When you think you dont have enough hours in the day to reach your - TopicsExpress


When you think you dont have enough hours in the day to reach your dreams/goals Keep one thing in mind. Albert Einstein had 24 hours in one day. Bill gates- 24 hours. Michael Jordan- 24 hours. Lance Armstrong, Ronnie Coleman, Donald Trump....all of these successful people have the same amount of time as you. Dont make excuses that you dont have time to make it to the gym or...you are too tired to finish ( fill in the blank). If you arent accomplishing things....sleep less. Watch less tv. In fact, watch no tv for a while. Carve out an extra hour -2 hours each day to simply DO MORE. Every human being has the power within them to be somebody. It just comes down to our choices in the 24 hour period we call A day.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 21:04:53 +0000

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