When you trace the lineage of Jesus (Yahshua) you will find this; - TopicsExpress


When you trace the lineage of Jesus (Yahshua) you will find this; Ruth the great great grandmother of Yahshua is a Moabitess from Moab. Jesus (Yahshua) is from the bloodline of the Ancient Moabites and Canaanites, brothers of the same Father. In the Moorish Americans 101s questions 30-33 states this; 30. What was the nationality of Ruth? Ruth was a Moabitess. 31. What is the modern name for the Moabites? Moroccans (Moors) 32. Where is the Moroccan Empire? Northwest Amexem (which is currently called North America/Northwest Africa) 33. What is the modern name for Amexem? Africa Like Jesus (Yahshua), our lineage can be traced by blood to the ancient Moabites, Canaanites, to the modern Moroccans (Moors) of the PRESENT MOROCCAN EMPIRE. See The 1787 Peace and Friendship Treaty between the Moroccan Empire and the United States.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 15:46:22 +0000

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