When you vote on the 18th, do this for me please: Reach deep down - TopicsExpress


When you vote on the 18th, do this for me please: Reach deep down within yourself and grab a great big double-handful of courage, self-confidence and optimism. Whichever way we vote, things will go wrong; whichever way we vote, there will be hard days ahead. But think, just really *think*, for a minute, about all we can achieve if we really set our minds to it. We will make mistakes, of course: there are always mistakes. And we wont achieve everything we set out to do. But if we even achieve some of it, it will all be worth it. Our children, grandchildren and all the generations to come will judge us on whether we believed in ourselves today. Let them remember us as the first generation of people in Scotland who stood up for ourselves. Let them remember that we were the ones who chose to change our fate and pass them a legacy of self-determination. Let them see that we, the people, stood up to the politicians, the elites and the establishment and said no more; that we took back democracy and used it to make a new country where everyone is welcome and everyone can feel safe and valued. The politicians want us to believe nothing can really change, they want us to be disenchanted by democracy, to feel protest is futile. Lets show them they are wrong. If there is one gift we can leave for our children and all the people of Scotland who come after, let it be self-esteem.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 10:58:49 +0000

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