When you work towards trying to hinder others, when you nitpick - TopicsExpress


When you work towards trying to hinder others, when you nitpick and look for any little thing to try and exaggerate their flaws, distort their person to others and try and diminish what you perceive as their power you are only hurting yourself, you are only getting involved in your own attachment, you are only deluding yourself. Have no fear of letting go. Your attachment to your pain is what is causing you to feel the need to hurt others. Your attachment is tricking you into thinking that hurting others increases your power and makes things “right in the world.” This is total nonsense. All things are unsatisfactory impermanent and not self. Have no fear of letting everything fall away. Its already falling away. It’s already gone. Some part of you knows this and that’s why you fight so hard to stay in the delusion. It’s denial. That’s why you feel anger at the thought of letting go. The anger is self creation, its delusion. You don’t exist as you think you do. You can’t know what you think you know from your current perspective. It’s impossible. The anger you feel only proves my point. There is no need for anger. Hurting others is not going to make you more able to function in the world, more creative, more intelligent… It’s not going to “give you a chance” as you think it will, its only going to give a chance to fall on your face, hard. Hurting others does not change you for the better. It does not make the world a better place. Thinking like this is complete delusion. So you can go ahead and partake in the delusion that in trying to hurt others you are doing something good in the world and “making things right” But don’t be surprised when you find yourself on the other side of someone else’s ill will. It’s just the nature of reality. It’s not even divine retribution. It’s how you perceive your existence and the things in this world that sets you up for that constant beating. I hope you brake free. I hope you stop punishing yourself with anger ill will and vengeance. I hope you let go of your attachment to pain as a definitive aspects of “self.” I hope you let go of the feeling of entitlement this attachment to your pain gives you. It’s not helping you. You are only progressing your suffering. I don’t want you to suffer. I want you to be free. Really free. Let it all go. Be present. See things as they are.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 18:32:51 +0000

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