When you write down your dreams you can recall many - TopicsExpress


When you write down your dreams you can recall many details. 01/23/15 morning of Dream Journal Setting : *edit* random restaurant that resembled Stadia and had the same workers........ Lighting : mid day but heavy overcast leads white to gray light. Actors/Actresses in alphabetical order : Brian, Chelsy, David A., Leslie Random patrons including 2 tables i took in dining. table 56?- 2 older gentleman that ordered 2 bahama mamas..., 57?- 2 middle aged guys I walked up to Leslie (from the lounge towards the expo) and said hey can i have some mid week shifts. She said yes. It was matter of fact no further details needed. Fast forward although no day transistion simply dream time transistion. Later in time. Im walking towards the expo line again with Brian at bar. Chels is working lounge. I view this from a fixed camera position near the computer station by table 61. I am now in my viewpoint. David is in the same area next to the expo line. I walk by and he smiles like he normally did. I walk towards the back (which i found out today Chad cleaned up) but this back was different and the back transformed to an angle impossible given the architecture of the building. Well angles are hard in boring square buildings. Also this back had a small rectangle window in the wall near the ceiling height. Also boxes stacked next to the wall. I am super relaxed and at peace. I am happy and fun going. At some point i get 2 tables and put in their orders. In dreams you tend to skip detailsz. Much like a stereotypical indian speaks. Instead of saying I am going to the store. Its...I go store. Or me go store... Anyways then go to the back and black out in the dream world but it represented me sleeping somehow...which is impossible there. When i woke up i panicked and thought oh no! i was all confident and kicking ass now Ive let down the people who gave me another chance here (trying to avoid names). I ran to check on my drinks at the bar. 2 bahama mamas (which i had to google to check and make sure when i said bahama mama in the dream it was right) they were multicolored icy and in those goofy curvy fun cups....which was an odd contrast to the moody lighting. The bright colors did not stand out the color was washed out by the lighting. Drowned out if you will. The 2 drinks were at the part facing the lounge door entrance. I felt upset that no one had run them since i felt like i was asleep for a loooong time. But its basically a variation of my common dream theme im late im late for a very important date. Where im late to do something e.g. get to a school test, get somewhere, do something in general basically. Despite being super late the drinks were perfectly icy. I grabbed them and ran to the tables just to see the older gentleman get up to leave and table 57 getting up. I say did you have the bahama mamas. They say no. Then i know 50/50 chance and i guessed wrong. As all 4 leave i put my hand on one of their shoulders...i think the mid age ones i cant recall for 100% sure though. I say basically person to person. Im sorry for letting you down man. Have a good day. Then it ends.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 09:51:15 +0000

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