Whenever I am horrified by the acts and practices of someone else, - TopicsExpress


Whenever I am horrified by the acts and practices of someone else, I look in the mirror and oftentimes see myself and my forbears in the past doing exactly the very things that horrify me at present. Looking in the mirror, of course, is looking back in history. At present, I am horrified by what seemed to me wanton, wholesale killing committed by Muslims, in the name of God, against Christians. But looking back in history, I find my forbears in the Christian faith committing the same horrible acts of even more abhorrent magnitude in the Crusades, the Inquisitions, the Holocaust in World War II, the witch hunting (remember Salem?), and more recently, in the religious war in Northern Ireland, the ethnic cleansing that accompanied the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Rwandan Genocide, etc. I am aware that many of my brothers in the Christian faith would distance themselves from the horrible acts I mentioned, and I respect their decision. But no matter how distant we remove ourselves from these shameful acts, we cannot evade from the truth that these were done in the name of our God, and we did nothing to stop or to condemn our Christian brothers who did these acts. Our silence and passivity in the face of all these atrocities could only mean we approve of them. Does this realization remove or lessen the horror from the recently occurring wholesale killing committed by Muslims, in the name of God, against Christians? No, it does not. However, this realization would, at the very least, make us think why these horrible things happen and find solutions than just resort to name-calling by branding the perpetrators as terrorists and religious fanatics.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 01:44:08 +0000

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