Whenever I drive around our beautiful country I often stop at - TopicsExpress


Whenever I drive around our beautiful country I often stop at small towns for a coffee and reviving walk. If there is a War Memorial there I will wander over and look at the list of names to thank them for their ultimate sacrifice. Without them, we would not be enjoying the wonderful life we have taken for granted for so long. Each day I go out to put flyers into mail boxes, I look at the beautiful homes along tree lined streets, and think about the lucky people who live in them. Yet, how many of them ever give a thought to the reasons they can enjoy such a safe, secure lifestyle where they can bring up their children in safety and security? World events are quickly shaping up into a new world war. Not a war like the two great wars, but an ideological war between our Civilization and an ideology so evil that it is prepared to destroy anything that stands in its way. If we do not understand this, and resolve to fight it to the very core of our being, then the great civilization we have built over so many centuries is doomed. Those of us who already see this clearly have a DUTY to raise awareness of this terrible danger for others. I am proud to know so many of you here already who have taken the first step....and in many cases more than one step...towards defending our nation. But we face a tough battle ahead. The enemy is organized, totally dedicated to spreading their vile ideology, and they have almost unlimited funds. So, we have to look at ways of fighting back using our resources most efficiently. One way we can do this is simple communication. When we are walking around, or whenever we meet people, talk about islam. Dont be afraid. You will meet people who disagree with you....but persevere. However, you are much more likely to meet people who are just as worried as we are, but havent known what to do about it. Even if some abuse you, dont get angry. Instead, ask them a simple question to get them thinking. Would you be happy living under sharia law?, or Do you mind paying a fee to islam every time you go shopping?, or Would you feel comfortable seeing your wife (daughters) forced to wear a black bag every day of their lives and being treated worse than dogs?, Or do you support the cruel halal slaughter....surely you love animals too much to allow such terrible cruelty? Im sure you can think of more questions. No matter what you ask, the aim is to get people thinking. Aussies have been complacent for far too long. We have had it too good. We were silly enough to think that it will never happen here. Well...it HAS happened here. The media is finally picking up on this and reporting the truth at last....even the fact that Man Monis was not alone. He was mentored by the leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir, a declared terrorist organization in many overseas countries, yet it is allowed to exist and spread its messages of hate among us. You only have to read their About Us page to see what their ultimate aim is for Australia.....the TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF OUR DEMOCRACY TO REPLACE IT WITH ISLAM. hizb-australia.org/ Is this what you want? You can help put a stop to this madness. We can all help, each in our own way. Even if you are bedridden, you can still do your bit by spreading the word to family, friends, anyone who will listen. If you are healthy, register as a Street Representative and join the growing number of Aussies who have committed to distribute the flyers in letter boxes in their street, that we are sending out FREE to everyone who registers. Theres no cost. In fact, we will even give you a beautiful Restore Australia Infidel badge when we send the flyers out to you. Of course, a flyer is not much use on its own. So we have printed a petition on the back addressed to Parliament asking the government to pass a law banning all ritual slaughter. Yes, my Jewish friends, this will impact on your religious practice too, but we are all educated enough these days to know that there is simply no valid reason to hurt animals this way. You can find ways to live with it, while still remaining true to your religion. So, please, if you want to preserve our way of life, get active. Register today and lets get these flyers into mail boxes all over Australia. islam4infidels/register-to-be-a-street-representative/
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 23:47:01 +0000

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