Whenever I find myself in the middle of a flood of strangers, say - TopicsExpress


Whenever I find myself in the middle of a flood of strangers, say at a crowded event, a shopping centre, in a bus or even on the road, I naturally become extra careful of their possible cruel intentions if any. I yell at them with all might. I give a rude stare to anyone who gives me negative vibes. I even tell them to behave properly if the case worsens. I try heart and soul and make sure that no cruel hands in the crowd touch me without my consent. I always try to sit in the second or fourth seat of the auto-rickshaw so that I could lean back on the seat and the co-passenger does not get any excuse to put the weight of his half the body on my back. Well, I never wear revealing clothes but it does not make them stare less. And while i do all these, I am reminded of a Gopaal Bhaad story that i had read long ago. The story had appeared funny to me at that time but it does not sound funny to me anymore. The probable title of the story was Mannader Melaay although I do not remember the exact name. The story goes like this: Maharaja Krishnadev Roys Queen had an age old desire to visit a village fair organized by the Manna tribe of Bengal. But as a princess, shed never got a chance to witness the occasion. In fact, her father never gave her permission. So when she became the Queen, she requested her husband, the king, to let her visit the grand fair. But Maharaja too, did not permit her. Seeing no other way out, she requested Gopaal to accompany her to the fair and also to convince the King for permission. Gopaal knew everything beforehand. He tried to make her understand that she should not visit the mela since the Mannas were a ferocious tribe and did not like outsiders visiting them. But the Queen would not listen. Finally, Gopaal agreed to accompany her on the condition that the Queen could go to the fair wearing a dress made of long thick thorns. The Queen was taken aback and asked the reason behind it. Gopaal replied: Dear Queen, they are Mannas, really notorious people. You never know when their hands reach for your skin. The Queen then instantly dropped the idea of visiting the Mannas. It was of course a lie but she never doubted the man. She was after all a woman. I would love to wait for the day when this story makes me laugh again...
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 17:08:44 +0000

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