Whenever I get given an essay to write or an assignment to do, I - TopicsExpress


Whenever I get given an essay to write or an assignment to do, I generally panic and avoid it as much as possible, even though I generally find the work easy. This time was no different, but I just sat down at college today and just did it in a few hours. I would do have spent a couple more days writing, rewriting, and worrying about it, but my tutor told me it was finished. Then she said it was great and that it would be a crime if a writer as fantastic as me didnt get onto the next course because I avoid work through anxiety and by being disorganised. Turns out that all I need to do for people think Im a good writer is talk about how shit fascists and capitalism are, and not even bother panicking and editing for days. I always thought the last two things were pretty vital parts of writing. . Also, its a really good feeling when you find a tutor who understands your difficulties and is supportive of you.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 16:43:53 +0000

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