Whenever I watch amazing things on nature documentaries I am - TopicsExpress


Whenever I watch amazing things on nature documentaries I am jealous that I dont get to see such neat things myself. Today I came across a wolf kill site but I am still feeling uneasy about the experience. The dogs sensed right away that something had happened recently, maybe they could still smell the fear in the air or maybe it is programmed in their genetics to feel terror at the scent of wolves. At first I thought nothing of the blood, I had seen a few bloody sights where a ptarmigan had been recently killed by a fox but the dogs and I felt the same energy that still hung around the area. I continued on, curiousity getting the better of me, blood painted the snow. As I examined the carcass of what was left of a coyote, visuals of her being ripped apart flashed uninvited across my vision and I felt the horror of realizing there is nowhere to flee and these distant relatives are twice your size and outnumber you but your instinct is still to fight and the blood splatters continue on a couple yards. I looked her over and tried to understand what brought this coyote out of her territory. Based on her teeth and long ago healed stump tail, she was past her prime. Maybe she was rejected from her pack, maybe she knew her time had come and headed off on her own to meet her end, maybe she was that desperate for food she took a risk leaving the safer vicinity of the city?! Death in the wild is not typically pleasant and it really struck me deeply today; I have a new appreciation for the gentle comforts in my life. Tonight I mourn for the suffering coyotes, I have a greater fear for the brutality of the wilderness, and all my senses are awakened. Will I ever sleep?
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 08:11:40 +0000

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