Whenever I’ve seen these two photos in the past, I actually - TopicsExpress


Whenever I’ve seen these two photos in the past, I actually thought they were photo shopped. The images seemed so mysterious & artsy & sort of dreamy. They almost looked like a water painting overlay & the images didn’t really make sense to me because I forgot that there was a glass door in the Abby so I sort of dismissed them as not being “real”. But then I decided to dig a little deeper & found out that they ARE real photos taken by Gavin Dickson. His work from that day is familiar to us all (I made a little collage), including the photo he says is his fav: the one of Catherine looking down as William helps her into the carriage. The black & white image is his favorite. It’s one of mine as well, showing our girl looking almost angelic in her serenity. Mr. Dickson who was one of only 15 photographers from around the world who was invited to stand in a prime space of real estate in front of the Abbey on that historic day. He was so affected by his experience that day that he decided to become a wedding photographer. Here is his wonderful account of April 29, 2011. Enjoy! xo lulu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was employed for fifteen years as chief photographer on the Express & Star, the countrys biggest selling evening newspaper. During my time there I had the opportunity to cover many of the most talked about stories of our time, from photographing prime ministers and royal engagements to stars of stage and screen and a host of sporting events across the UK and around the world. When I found out that I would be covering the royal wedding I couldnt have been more excited and on 28th April 2011 I arrived in London with two colleagues to collect my official pass and immerse myself in the build up to the wedding on the Friday. My accreditation provided me with a fantastic position directly outside the doors of Westminster Abbey, in a specially created space for about fifteen photographers from around the world. A great viewpoint, yes, but no facilities of any kind meant limiting water and food intake on the evening before - there could be no emergencies! So, on the morning of 29th April, my alarm sounded at 4.30 am and by 5.00 am I was making my way towards the venue, carrying over 40 lbs of camera gear! Yes, it was a slow, slightly uncomfortable walk, but it was very peaceful at that time in the morning. I felt like I was experiencing a true calm before the storm moment. I understood my role and what was expected of me and my years of experience covering high profile news stories would hopefully stand me in good stead. Arriving at the security point my pass and credentials were checked off and I trudged for the final few yards to my position. A wooden structure with two levels had been erected for us and was disguised as a wall. At 5.30 am I wasnt the first to arrive (two other photographers had beaten me to it!) however all the positions had been marked out in advance. I had a 2ft x 1ft space marked out with my name on it and this would be my home for the next seven hours! As the morning progressed the excitement continued to build with the noise of the nearby crowd screaming and shouting just adding to the occasion. The wait was agonizing with only the briefest moments of interest as the doors to the abbey opened and then closed as somebody would pop out to have a look and then disappear back inside. The first picture opportunity occurred when a man armed with a vacuum cleaned the red carpet from the drop off point directly in from of us which led into the Abbey! Eventually the high profile guests began to arrive with David and Samantha Cameron arriving shortly after 10.00 am, then the European royals arrived who were only happy to stand and wave at the assembled media. All of a sudden at 10.22 am (according to the time settings on my camera) a cavalcade of police motorcycles arrived escorting Prince William and his brother Harry to the Abbey. Through my lens, which by now was focusing furiously, I could see Prince William looking nervously at the large crowds as he waved to the screaming well-wishers positioned across the road, many of whom had been waiting for over 24 hours. Aside from the worldwide interest and mass of well-wishers, he appeared like any other slightly nervous groom on his wedding day. At 11.04 am the future Duchess of Cambridge arrived. Through the large windows of the wedding car she looked very calm sitting alongside her proud father. She exited the passenger side of the car and, although it was only a matter of seconds, it seemed like an eternity before the wedding car moved, providing me with a shot of the bride entering the Abbey with her sister Pippa following behind. So many people have reacted to the images of Pippa as she entered the Abbey. I see you managed to get that shot is a regular comment I receive. The reality is I was totally focused on Kate entering the abbey and readily admit that I didnt even notice Pippa! A tense hour passed listening to the service on loud speakers as it played out across Westminster. Then, at 12.12 pm the doors opened and the new Mr. & Mrs. Windsor came into view. They positioned themselves on the top step at the doors of Westminster Abbey for a brief few seconds allowing myself and the other photographers to take the images that would be seen around the world. It is a moment I will never forget! I remember clearly thinking how stunning Catherine looked as she stood next to her new husband. She was radiant and looked totally at ease. After pausing for a few seconds the happy couple walked towards their horse drawn carriage which had now been moved into position. It was the moment that William helped his new bride into the carriage that I took my favorite image of the day. It wasnt a great news photograph, but I think its a lovely picture of a new bride that just happens to be the Duchess of Cambridge! At 12.15 pm William and Catherine left the Abbey and made their way to Buckingham Palace. That was it, nearly seven hours standing in my tiny space for three minutes of near continuous photography. I managed to send the pictures to the office within minutes of them being taken and they were published and printed just 35 minutes after the ceremony. My images, along with those of my colleagues (who were positioned elsewhere) were the first to be published in the printed press in the UK following the wedding. ~ Gavin Dickson
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 20:50:03 +0000

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