Whenever in history Israel ceased to ‘walk before Him’, God - TopicsExpress


Whenever in history Israel ceased to ‘walk before Him’, God would allow them to be conquered and enslaved by other nations. Whenever they returned to following Him, God would empower them to take back their inheritance. There is little doubt in my mind that God’s chosen people have a God-given right to their territory. But it is also unreasonable to expect the Palestinians to know that, not having access to the same scriptures. One thing which is in doubt, is whether the current Jews in the Holy Land are ‘walking before Him’. When Jesus arrived, they were already under occupation by Rome. The religious leaders of the day had lost any understanding of the Spirit of the Law and were into extremely ritualistic and legalistic practice, which Jesus denounced as hypocrisy. Jesus introduced the ‘New Covenant’, under which forgiveness, and genuinely loving and caring, were shown to be the Spirit of the Law. So they had Him crucified. the rest or this article can be found at indefenceofthegospel/content/jacob-and-esau-understanding-islamic-dilemma but it is referring to white jews whotook our place thats why the world so messed up they say they indians they say they africans they the j[s.... whatever you do the history
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 15:36:37 +0000

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