Whenever we are in spiritual warfare, we are fighting against - TopicsExpress


Whenever we are in spiritual warfare, we are fighting against either the Spirit of God, the spirit of Angels, the spirit of man, or the spirit of Demons.Certain battles are waged according to the month which may declare at what pick is the heat of certain levels of spiritual warfare. The Equinoxes and Solstices makes up the quadrant of the year in which the mysteries of warfare is revealed.There are battles that are essential for the Summer Solstice and the Winter Solstice. These evil holidays are surrounded by an orb (occult term) consisting of ‘ebb and flow’ days both before and after the actual date. During these times, there are numerous dangers we MUST prayerfully war against! 17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O Abba, thou wilt not despise. 18 Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem. – Psalm 51 PRAYER & DECLARATION OF MESSIAH’S TRIUMPH OVER DARKNESS ABBA FATHER, in the Name of my Master JESUS-Yahushua the Messiah (JESUS CHRIST the Messiah), I formally come before YOUR THRONE and petition YOU for the protection of my family and (friends, community, congregation) during this season of spiritual darkness. I DECLARE that the times and seasons belong to YOU (Dan. 2:21) and that the minions and lackeys of the evil one have no authority to claim any day, night or time! I DECLARE the full sovereign Headship and Authority of JESUS-Yahushua the Messiah, the MIGHTY ONE of Israel, over every day, night and time, particularly (The Winter Solstice), In the HIGHLY EXALTED Name of JESUS. THEREFORE, I ASK THAT the full power of JESUS-Yahushua the Messiah’s death on the Cross, HIS Resurrection, Ascension and Second Advent come against the principalities and powers of (The Winter Solstice) right now, and Praise Him for shattering their power and influence over me, my family and community, In the NAME of JESUS, SON of the HIGHEST! I DECLARE they are weak and beggarly elements (Gal. 4:9) and that they are utterly spoiled (Col. 2:15) and defeated by the glory and power of Messiah, the soon-coming King of Kings JESUS! I PRAY FATHER ABBA that you send a powerful cordon of angels with sharp flaming two edged swords and chains and fetters that cannot be broken to bind all fallen angels and demons around my home, family and children (Name Them) with Angels with drawn swords, In the HIGHLY EXALTED NAME of JESUS. Please, Abba- FATHER GOD, let the swords of the Angels be on fire, In the HIGHLY EXALTED NAME of JESUS! Let Your heavenly warrior Angels decimate any servants of darkness that attempt to molest, attack or disturb us and those we pray for tonight, In the HIGHLY EXALTED NAME of JESUS. I DECLARE we are under the protection of the Precious Blood of the Lamb JESUS and the purifying fire of the Ruach ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) and that NO unclean or UNhallowed thing may touch or disturb me or those I pray for, In the NAME of JESUS Son of the HIGHEST (1 John 5:18). Please Abba-FATHER GOD, in YOUR mercy, protect our pets, properties and possessions during this difficult season under the Precious Blood of JESUS, In the HIGHLY EXALTED NAME of JESUS. Keep them all safe from hell’s depredations. We intercede beseeching you, Abba Yahuwah, in the mighty and sovereign Name of JESUS-Yahushua the Messiah Who shall come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire!youtu.be/CJX43l9-Qx0
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 23:49:27 +0000

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