Whenever we have guests or when anyone rings the doorbell it - TopicsExpress


Whenever we have guests or when anyone rings the doorbell it becomes one of the biggest scenes of total chaos youve ever seen! Not only is my husband yelling for them to Be Quiet! I am also loudly commanding them to Get Down! (as in, down from jumping on the poor guest or delivery person!). Then Jin-Aji is BARKING HIS FACE OFF, which send So-Jo and Tah-Sut into a frenzy. Often times Tah-Sut and So-Jo will become physical with each other in the fight for top spot and closest shot to the stranger. It usually sound a lot word than it it but it sounds something like a pack of snarling wolves. At first So-Jo, who is usually mute will start out whimpering, but once Tah-Sut lets out a deep WOOF So-Jo is also able to unleash her verbal assault alongside her Alpha Male brother. All the while, mind you, our poor and unfortunate guests are terrified, stressed out and/or even GONE. So, what to do....?! We used to use a spray water bottle and we still keep it close by the front entry way in case a feud erupts, but lately we are trying a whole new approach and the results are.... well, see for yourself. The guest in the video is the HVAC repairman and he has agreed to allow us to videotape him working around the dogs. We prepped him in advance to PLEASE IGNORE THE DOGS, to the best of his ability. Fortunately, Hemal has a Pitbull so he was not afraid and new exactly how to act (and how NOT TO REACT). Weve asked him to pretend like the dogs are invisible and he should walk right past them even if he has to push up against them to nudge them aside. They met him at the front gate for the very first time about 10 minutes before this video was taken and I wish I had taken a video of THAT initial meeting - Oh, but I forgot, I couldnt have. Its hard to videotape anything when you have total pandemonium at your front door. My husband and I always laugh and say, No wonder we rarely have any friends that come over! We get it... really, not everyone could do this. Its very hard and today was no exception! But I think we pulled it off! Really, Hemal the HVAC guy is the one who deserves most of the credit in this case! IWe know how hard it is to stand still and silent in the face of these guys... when they are concerned or even just curious. I just want to reiterate that my husband and I are NOT breeders or dog trainers. We are just dog lovers and huge fans of Traditional Chinese Shar Pei. Our dogs really arent even well trained dogs, but they do receive and understand discipline and obedience training. They are FAR from angels, but we are learning so much and were all getting better at this! So, how bout a woof! woof! on THAT?! Good job So-Jo, Tah-Sut and Jin-Aji-Bear! And mad-waggs to Hemal for being such a good sport... and for holding the line! So, a summary of what we are trying to remember to do, especially during the holidays... 1) Prepare our guests to treat dogs like they DO NOT EXIST. No talk, no touch, no eye contact. Also no jerking movements, no reaching, no waving hands or loud voices. And stay out of tight spaces with guests (like entry way, porch, front door) so no one panics. 2) Keep talking to and with our guest, making eye contact and acknowledging only them and asking them to do the same. 3) Allow dogs to see, smell and hear our guest without having any direct interaction with them. 4) Stand in between the dogs and our guest if need be. Back the dogs away from our guest if they violate the boundaries that we have established for this particular guest (boundaries may vary depending on the guest). 5) Even when the guest is invited and welcomed we still do not encourage them to attempt to befriend the dogs. With our dogs it could take a very long time and many, many visits before they feel comfortable with someone new in the house. The bottom line is the guests belong to US (my husband and I), therefore, they are NOT to be f*vked with! 6) They really do MIRROR our actions! We try to remind ourselves by chanting NO REACTION FOR NO REACTION!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 21:02:27 +0000

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