Whenever words like be thou clean, be made whole, Lazarus come - TopicsExpress


Whenever words like be thou clean, be made whole, Lazarus come forth, get out of him, thy faith has made thee whole... came out of Jesus mouth, miracles ensued, because these are words of command embeded in power and authority, and so, it would be a mistake of unbelief to think that He was making a casual or vain statement when He said go and sin no more to for instance, the man at the pool of Bethesda. People of authority dont speak anyhow, in fact, theyre extremely cautious before they say anything and neither do they talk much lest their words loose its intended effect. This is also why the centurion ask Jesus to only speak a word, and his servant will be healed, because he knew what words mean to people in authority and the gravity it carries. Go and sin no more is also a word of command of the like that was spoken to Lazarus which brought him to life, and with this in mind, the statement go and sin no more also carried in itself a power that enabled that man to actually stop sinning, it was another miracle, in fact, the greatest miracle indeed. We cant help but notice that as it is possible for a sick person to be healed, its also possible for a man to sin no more, i.e for a man to live a sinless life, and if you want to call the former a miracle, you can also refer to the latter as a miracle too, whichever suits you, but as it is the case with every miracle, faith is the instrument in getting things done, and so the first step is to believe. Although, whenever we sin, the blood of Jesus is always there to cleanse us and make us whole again because His Blood is precious and it cant be put aside in our everyday walk with God, however, God also made another provision in Jesus Christ which would help us deal with the man that produces sin in us, so that we also can also go and sin no more, instead of cleansing ourselves in the blood over and over again because of sin. Matthew 1:21 says And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. The primary reason why Jesus was born is to save people from their sins, and although i wouldnt know what Jesus has saved you from, it could be from sickness, death, accident, demons, enemies and so on, but if He hasnt saved you from sin, then allow me to tell you that theres nothing He has saved you from that will last, neither is there any possiblity that what He saved you from wont return back to you again unless He saves you from your sins. Oh, that you would not just stop at the blood provision, but would move forward to another provision which is the CROSS, for that is where your victory lies. That you would ask God to give you a fresh revelation of Jesus finished works on the cross and the victory He wroth for you, and that Christ death would in reality be your own death so that you will begin to walk in the victory of the resurrected life of Jesus Christ, that you may cease from all works and enter fully into your rest. Remember, all things are possible to him who believes. Happy sunday
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 12:55:47 +0000

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