Where Did Life Come From? As additional research is done on life, - TopicsExpress


Where Did Life Come From? As additional research is done on life, the question looms ever larger, ‘How did life originate on earth in the first place?’ Some scientists faced with this problem are reviving a theory presented in 1908 by Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius. It is called the “panspermia theory.” Basically, it holds that the earth may have been accidentally seeded by living cells that are wandering through the universe. Modernizing the idea a bit, Leslie Orgel of the Salk Institute and Nobel Prize-winner Francis H. C. Crick have suggested “directed panspermia.” Their idea is that an advanced civilization elsewhere in the universe deliberately may have “infected” the earth with life as an experiment. What do you think of that possibility? It becomes clear, does it not, that such theories really do not solve the question of life’s origin. They just sort of avoid the question by transporting the problem off into the distant universe, despite the fact that scientists have not established: 1) that there are planets elsewhere, much less any qualified to support life, 2) that there are civilizations beyond our solar system, and 3) that there is microscopic life on other planets within our solar system.Furthermore, the modern form of this theory illustrates that, consciously or not, many serious scientists realize that the existence of life must have resulted from the act of an intelligent Being, whom the Bible identifies as God. In this regard, science editor Albert Rosenfeld relates: “I was chatting about all this, with a non-scientific friend, who finally commented: ‘As an early reader of the Book of Genesis, I’m somehow not surprised at the idea that Someone Out There put us here. And if such a magical, mysterious, and powerful intelligence exists that is utterly beyond human imagining, can you give me a good reason why I shouldn’t call it God?’ I could give him no good reason why not.”—Saturday Review/World. Recall that astronomer Carl Sagan said that extraterrestrial intelligences might help us to end food shortages, war and pollution. It is suggested that even death might thus be conquered. This is most interesting, for the Intelligence, the Creator, to whom the evidence points, has communicated his purpose to end those very things.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 15:16:21 +0000

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