Where I work there is an abundance of Red Clover and I have brewed - TopicsExpress


Where I work there is an abundance of Red Clover and I have brewed up Red Clover tea, with honey and lemon but this recipe for Red Clover lemonade sounds great. I am looking forward to the clover flowering again so I can try this. Red Clover Flowers Research shows that red clover is one of the best sources of isoflavones which are believed to be effective in dealing with PMS, hot flashes, as well as in enhancing breast health, increased urine production and improved blood circulation. This herb is a rich source of nutrients like niacin, thiamine, phosphorus, magnesium, chromium, Vitamin C, calcium and potassium. Red clover also contains bone-strengthening properties that help in preventing osteoporosis. Numerous studies claim that red clover works in different mechanisms in promoting cardiovascular health and protecting the heart against serious diseases. It even helps in increasing the production of bile. The herb is equipped with potent ingredients that are thought to be able to increase the level of good cholesterol in the body while reducing the bad cholesterol level. Lemon Juice An excellent source of Vitamin C, lemon is a powerful citrus fruit that has been indicated to have immune-boosting, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-cancer and antioxidant properties. According to research, lemon juice contains 22 powerful compounds that are known to inhibit the growth and division of cancer cells. Furthermore, Vitamin C offers additional resistance to the body and helps fight against flu, common colds and other infections. Lemon also contains citric acid which is believed to be beneficial towards dissolving calcium deposits, kidney stones and gall stones. Research further revealed that lemons are effective in dealing with a variety of health conditions including diabetic retinopathy, high blood pressure, internal haemorrhage, diphtheria, scurvy, cholera and malaria. Honey Honey is known for its incredible cleansing, antiseptic and antioxidant properties that are beneficial to the body. Use raw honey! It is packed with nutritional benefits and is a valuable natural remedy for a very wide range of conditions. Source: herbs-info Disclaimer: Clover like many herbs is not safe in all situations, please read up on it first if you have existing health conditions and from what I read already if youre pregnant do not use it and over infestation of Red Clover Causes an estrogen development that in turn cause thickening of the uterine walls, spot bleeding, and other issues so whilst safe for most people in low doses don’t go guzzling gallons of lemonade. Moonflower )O(
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 16:00:01 +0000

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