Where Is The Party Tonight Though Dylan was born in New - TopicsExpress


Where Is The Party Tonight Though Dylan was born in New Orleans, Atlanta was the only home she ever knew. Her nursery was not the biggest, but it was the brightest room on the the third floor of the house with the enchanted views of the backyard. Old oak tree, home to bushy tail squirrels who occasionally stopped to look at Dylan, before hurrying off to bury acorns for the next winter. Colorful song birds woke Dylan up at the crack of dawn. It was Dylans window to the world. Tastefully decorated nursery with calming shades of grays with silver accents was comfortably furnished with soft cushiony rocking chair and ottoman, inviting you to sit just a little longer after feeding Dylan. Walking barefoot on the thick piled lambs wool rug was like walking on the clouds. Stuffed toys big and small, Teddy Bear to Peter Rabbit and even The Paddington Bear that once belonged to Rusty when he was just a little boy, all waited patiently for Dylans cuddly hugs but what Dylan enjoyed the most was playing with little rattles and wanna be stuffed toys and occasionally you would even find one of Annabelles chewed up toy, cleverly camouflaged and hidden with Dylans toys but Dylan didnt seem to mind. Dylans book case tempted everyone to stop and reread favorite bedtime stories of their childhood or reminisce about the nursery rhymes they read to their little ones. Stories of naughty Peter Rabbit to Mobi Dick, and even a book of poems by Dylan Thomas, bought for Dylans name sake. Dees rule; you want to read something else you like, you are more than welcome to get it. Though occasionally one might have come across a book or two on Radiology, many others were chosen by grandparents for the precious child, the logic was, if Dee and Rusty had their favorites, they must be Dylans favorite too, I guess preference for books is in your DNA, we had to wait a few years before confirming Dylans liking for medical books but as a baby she was definitely enjoying The Berenstain Bears, The Paddington Bear and many other bedtime stories, and if you happened to fall asleep while reading, before Dylan did, then there were cloth books with crinkly noise and vivid bright colors that Dylan could read to herself while chewing on them. Changing table with well organized fully stocked bins had everything you needed and even just in case items you would never need. It was adorned by a mobile with cascading stars which reminded me of the times we lived in Arizona, velvety black skies of the desert and its millions of twinkling stars at night. Tiny soothing lights of the crystal chandelier reflected in the mirror hung above the changing table. Especially at night the room transformed into a fantasy land. Classical music played in the background was carefully selected and painstakingly recorded by Dylans dad to suit his babys every mood. Dylan was always a very happy baby. Baby Einstein musical floating aquarium hung on the side of the crib, with its soft blue glow and musical chime slowly carried Dylan into the dreamland where everything was magical. I always wondered if Dylans dreams were like Alice and the Wonderland where nothing was as it seemed and yet fun at the same time? And then there were those occasional nights when nothing else would do but a lullaby sung by her dad, the same lullaby his mom used to sing to him when he was just a little boy. Being fully aware of my own singing talent, rather lack of it, I stuck to what I do best, read bedtime stories to Dylan, all those fairies and princesses came to life when Dylan listened, I wished Dylan would never lose the innocence of childhood but I knew one day, when she is all grown up, she will remember the bedtime stories Gaga used to read and those memories will bring back the magic of her childhood. For now, I was content with Dylan just listening to the sound of my voice while being cuddled and rocked. This was Dylans little world where daddy and mommys precious little princess lived happily, until one dark April night; big storm started to brew and rumble, gust of wind shook the branches of Big Old Oak tree casting scary shadows on the wall, heavy rain water poured down the window, sudden flashes of lightening followed by loud thunder startled Dylan. She just clung to me, friendly bedtime story we were reading, I need my monster seemed scarier and that was when we heard the footsteps upstairs, who could that be, no one is up in the attic I said, Dylan stopped sucking her thumb. Thunder outside and footsteps inside, those were not the musical notes Dylan was used to. As we listened in silence, footsteps got louder, first footsteps were joined by many more, are they dancing to the music we were playing? We hushed and listened for the voices but no one was talking. Should we open the attic door and peek? Definitely did not seem like a good idea to either of us. Suspense, Who could it be? We called Rusty. Oh! They sound like raccoons, he said, Mama raccoon must have built a nest in the attic, we got to get rid of them, but how? It was pouring rain outside, putting them out didnt seem like a kind thing to do so we left them alone. That is how Raquel, the mama raccoon and her kits became Dylans neighbors. Dylan would wake up in the morning when Raquel and kits returned home after being out all night. They made such a ruckus that Dylans tranquil world was turned upside down but she didnt seem to care so neither Rusty nor I made any special efforts to get rid of them. They slept quietly all day but as evening approached, they ran around getting ready for their night out. It was like Cinderellas mean and ugly step sisters getting ready for the ball, we imagined Raquel and kits dressed up in ball gowns with their fur in curls, so who would be the Cinderella? I guess we were reading too many bedtime stories. Moving day came fast, movers packed and moved everything leaving behind an empty house. Rusty, Dylan and I left soon after and headed for New Orleans. New city, new house and being with Dee was all very exciting yet we were little sad about leaving Raquel and kits behind. Dylan and I had gotten used to Raquel and her kits, they had started to grow on us. We were not sure if they would miss us but we sure would miss them. We hoped that the new ppl moving in the house will like them as much as we did. So with a heavy hearts, Dylan and said our good buys to Atlanta and with it to Raquel and her kits. https://m.youtube/watch?v=Y_MLjzyjK3s
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 01:00:14 +0000

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