Where Lies Your Head Twas in an act of mercy, or better yet - TopicsExpress


Where Lies Your Head Twas in an act of mercy, or better yet despair My mind was granted clemency, as one who’s unaware “My child” the voice came softly, “I come to grant desire Of sight to things nocturnal, and quench your thirst by fire Illuminating darkness, that falls around one’s bed So though may give the answer, when asked where lies your head I knew at once this figure, by grace or selfish plight Had granted visitation, to sleeping minds at night Anxiety consuming, I asked but one request “To speak with those familiar, and know this passage best” A silence draped in winter, sent tremors through my frame Then spoke as I grew restless, “Call them out by name” I pondered deep yet frantic, and settled on but two A thinker for his structure, and poet for his hue “Alas,” I said, “kind stranger, I ask for one who thought As if the knowledge he possessed, was of the sordid lot A man whose postulation, was drawn from theories spoke As if an evil demon, had burdened him this yoke Of understanding nothing, except what it should will Confusing all reality, to how one’s life should feel” That silence once before me, fell around my ears And fear became my notion, as seconds turned to years “Descartes,” the stranger uttered, “A worthy choice you’ve made” And whence his apparition came, darkness gave to fade My knees now weak with trembling, as I beheld him near The glow around his body, reflecting off my tear “I beg for your forgiveness, from where I summoned you But as to how best go this, I know not what to do” His words came out through kindness, and steady as he spoke “How different is this journey, from any time you’ve woke?” Into the darkness moved we, a comfort in my heart As rising dawn befell us, and moved the night apart The moments grew together, as further on we went The road once straight and narrow, now broadened out and bent “Tell me young apprentice, what sights have drawn your eye? Which things are recognizable and which have gone a wry” I slowed my speed to focus, and lifted up my gaze To ponder what my mentor, had noticed through the haze I looked then over ages, my youth until my now And saw decisions that I’d made, my promises...my vows I peered through heavy eyes and heart, my words like thunder fell And toppled mountains that I’d climbed, and covered them as well That horror fresh before a thought, my mind would rest upon Amplified as others watched, their dreams as well be gone I recognized the impact, I’d had on others’ lives And watched as all the things I’d done, pierced their souls like knives The burden growing heavy, the more I came aware Though more than what my eyes could take, I could not break my stare I read within the faces, of those who’d held me dear A look of disappointment, of anger and of fear As lines it crossed their faces, adding to their age And placed my forceful beating heart, within their mournful cage “Please stop!” I yelled with volume, “was never my intent To hurt you all so badly, was never what I meant” They looked on without motion, as if I wasn’t there So turned I toward my mentor, my fingers in my hair “I cannot take this anguish, this thought of what I’ve done Please tell me now I’ll waken, and see the morning sun” His steady eyes though empty, danced as moved his lips The words that followed strident, as clothing when it rips “So sure you are this image, is slumber’s talk to you? Did anything in childhood, turn out to be what’s true? The waking never matters, as much as what occurs So long as how you prosper, extends between both worlds Relationships are endless, so long as ones you’ve found Have willingness to trust you, and then to you they’re bound You cannot mourn the loss of those, whose eyes have turned away You only make the ones you find, convinced that they should stay” I asked, “How does my conscious, in sleep or otherwise Give to me these visions, and riddle me with lies?” I almost heard his laughter, as giving back with ease He uttered words that quelled my soul, responding to my pleas “These things that you have witnessed, may not be what you think There’s always opportunities, in waters where ships sink It seems you’ve found a constant, extending through your mind A basis for a truth or two, by which your thought may find A mode of operation, a progress for your soul That fills a void created, where started you a hole” I began to understand this, though prone to disavow Was not so much my history, as much my here and now “These words are making sense to me, I look for no more pain My hands are riddled crimson, their hurt my guilty stain But if I stand here scrubbing, while washing them in doubt I’ll have no hands to give up, while theirs are reaching out” He smiled his first and startled me, as now his gaze turned high Assuring me I’d pondered deep, and that was his goodbye “I think no longer needed, I’ll wander back alone And if these notions fail you, nothings set in stone” He then began to walk away, and as oft occurs in dreams I yelled for him to linger, but soundless came my screams I stood alone as quickly, the landscape turned to black And I was where I started, and felt as on my back I longed to hear the morning, and sit up in my bed But once again the voice rang out, reminding me my dread “I trust your time well spent there, in shadow of Renee The second one you wanted, I grant if choose you stay” My lack of hesitation, a trait I’d least expect As almost quick as breath could come, my answer to him met “I take you on this offer, and choose to carry on I fear my opportunity, on rousing will be gone” “Who then may now I summon you, are many left could bring Spoke Joseph to the pharaohs, and Daniel to the king” “I dare not seek the counsel, of men spoke to by God Whose visions quite prophetic, came to their dormant bod” “Very well,” he softly spoke, “I wait to hear your choice” But I’d already settled, before ended his voice “I ask my next companion, be one unlike the rest Whose soul I call my kindred, and nearer to my breast In him I seek the vision, of self who understands Existence never adds up, no matter where one lands Though thought to be quite twisted, and simply out of touch His words speak out of torment, when one can bare so much” Again one time too many, the figure lay in wait Expelling in its silence, a sense of hesitate “Your choice this time intriguing, yet still a worthy one Is Poe I will deliver, and then it will done” I felt my pulse increasing, as nerves began to fray And heard myself say never, did I look for this day His predecessor’s aura, gave way to grey and dull As just his face was visible, yet impact just as full My words though by the thousands, failed as he grew nigh And standing now beside me, my nature turning shy We took our steps in unison, the colors seeping in As water left untended to, rose higher than my shin “Reach ye now into this stream, and let the colors flow Between your fingers down your palm, and tell me what you know” I did as he commanded, but as my hand emerged The substance held within my grasp, changed before it surged I found instead where it should be, a plot of rancid soil And recognized its history, bore fruitless sweat and toil I felt my heart drop heavy, as in my prior trek My veins as though the blood they moved, had given way to wreck I yearned so deeply in soul, to feel the colors break Upon my skin and down my arms, that I began to shake “Why has this only happened, when in my gentle hand That I should have the beauty, transform to dirt and sand?” My kindred placed his hand in, and whence his clothes were black Doused his dark apparel, the colors still intact I felt a sense of jealousy, by which I never knew Beholden on his fingers, the yellow, red and blue “I tell you now” he started, while turning to my face “It’s neither of ours privilege, to understand this place But tell me now with language, what bare you in your fist That troubles you so deeply, I’ll settle for the gist” I opened up my hands then, hoping it had changed Or better yet deserted, leaving me estranged “Tis dirt” I gave my answer, “the ground by which we tread The basis of man’s labor, and covers all that’s dead” He then reached out his finger, and as it swiped my dirt Its essence turned to colors, as he drug it down his shirt “Was once I saw as you see, it’s never as it seems It’s only so desirable, when someone else’s dream This vibrant river flowing, where stand we both right here May wind its way around us, but neither know to where Will come a time it branches, in multitudes of way And what you see in one path, may not be where I stray Regardless it’s your own route, and on it you must go And how the current moves you, betrays the undertow Will always be your option, to take a different course But in your own decisions, lie hope or great remorse” With this I jolted forward, my head turned still behind And carried me a distance, my vision turning blind I felt my motion ceasing, as to a halt I came Familiar now this presence, as each time felt the same “Though not as long departed, in Edgar did you learn Of anything that gave you, the knowledge that you yearn” I dropped my head in wonder, while phrases filled my head Till one arrived that suitably, addressed what both had said I lifted up not knowing, this strangers current view And calmly now approached him, with what he asked I do “Of what this journeys shown me, I have but this to say It matters not where lies your head, tis depth by which you lay”
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 18:56:42 +0000

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