Where MY PRESENCE ABIDES it is HEAVEN. Living within you this - TopicsExpress


Where MY PRESENCE ABIDES it is HEAVEN. Living within you this moment is the heavenly glory that I have given to My sons and daughters. Good night KISS from Heaven I hear His whisper... I will give to you a new heaven and a new earth. I am the God who makes all things new. I will renew your heart and spirit this day to know Me as the God of Heaven. My presence, My Immanuel, lives in you. Where My presence abides it is heaven. What makes the heavens full of glory is My presence, for where I am, glory is found. Living within you this moment is the heavenly glory that I given have to My sons and daughters. Many look away to heaven and fail to embrace eternal life within. For everything that makes heaven real, lives in you, My child. The heavenly reality will be made clear to you. Soon, all that is around you will become nothing more than trinkets compared to the glory that is within you. My endless grace has opened a fountain within you, pouring satisfying streams into your thoughts, your emotions, your very soul. This grace-fountain will be the source of life, heavenly life, within you. Love, joy, peace-- is My presence in your soul. Fill your heart with My words and more of heaven will flow into you. Never say, I am rich and in need of nothing, for that is the boast of the Laodecians who must come to Me and buy gold, so they can be truly rich. Heavenly life is My portion which I share with you today. Have I not seated you in heavenly places and enthroned you as My overcomer at My right hand? All that I am I give to you, My heaven-born child. Receive yet more and drink of the water of Life that flows from before My eternal throne. Drink deeply of the substance that pours from Me. Heavens gift is yours this day. Let your mind be renewed and brought into a heavenly perspective. I have you taken your true life and it is now hidden in My realm of glory. Set your eyes and your affections on heavenly things and watch the healing of your heart be complete. I have a heavenly eye salve that will cause your eyes to open to the brightness of My glory within you. I have pure white robes to place upon your inadequacy and weakness. I bring My children into My courts as they see what I have provided for My household. As My children praise Me I open greater doors into glory. Come into My world, for I have come into yours. Seek My face, forsake your habits of passivity and stir your heart to come into the heavenly chamber. For I am the God who makes you new, strong, and courageous. Psalm 26:6-8 The Passion Translation When I come before You, I’ll come clean, Approaching Your altar with songs of thanksgiving; Singing the songs of Your mighty miracles. Lord, I love Your Home, this place of dazzling glory, Bathed in the splendor and light of Your presence! I am new, strong and courageous in the name Jesus! :-)
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 06:27:56 +0000

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