Where Quiz Show’s descent had been a slow one with a few bumps, - TopicsExpress


Where Quiz Show’s descent had been a slow one with a few bumps, Pogoho’s… was a little more involved. As fortune would have it, there were at least some tall structures around, and Pogoho had done the only thing that would prevent him from becoming a black-and-white pancake: his last grapple hook…, his saving grave. He had launched it at the railing of a nearby housing railing of some kind, prayed that it held. Unfortunately, it didn’t slow his fall as his direction changed, making a smashing descent to the wall. He angled himself and bicycled his legs, finally catching a bare spot. He was actually running the wall with a limited lifeline. The pain didn’t affect him at all. He was too immersed in the idea of getting Quiz Show, even with him standing at death’s door. In mid-stride, he kicked off of the wall, and lucky for him that Quiz Show landed at an adjacent building. He had tucked and rolled, pulling off a very daring attack. He connected with a pair of padded feet to his chest, pushing the sword in farther and causing the villain to shriek. Once again, with every action, there is a reaction, and that reaction… is both of them falling through the skylight. Shards of glass became imbedded in their hands from their landing. Quiz Show hit the top platform of a machine press. Pogoho was less fortunate, smacking into another machine and falling hard on a stack of crates. The crates were destroyed with him on the top of it, splinters and all. His body broken and beaten, the most motion he could muster was to turn over and maybe raise his head high enough to see Quiz Show limping towards him. His vision started to blur, but he could see that the villain decided to pull out the sword in front on him. A blackened blood trail followed, and the wound oozed out and through the coat, but he couldn’t stop his scratchy cackling.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 07:41:17 +0000

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