Where There Is Contradiction There Is Conflict - TopicsExpress


Where There Is Contradiction There Is Conflict You see that most of us are in conflict , live a life of contradiction , not only outwardly , but also inwardly . Contradiction implies effort ...Where there is effort , there is wastage---there is a waste of energy . Where there is contradiction , there is conflict . Where there is conflict , there is effort to get over that conflict---which is another form of resistance . And where you resist , there is also a certain form of energy engendred---you know that when you resist something , that very resistance creates energy . All action is based on this friction that I must and I must not . And this form of resistance , this form of conflict , does breed energy ; but that energy , if you observe very closely , is very destructive , it is not creative ...Most people are in contradiction . And if they have a gift , a talent to write or to paint or to do this or that , the tension of that contradiction gives them the energy to express , to create , to write , to be . The more the tension , the greater the conflict , the greater is the output , and that is what we call creation . But it is not at all creation . It is the result of conflict . To face the fact that you are in conflict , that you are in contradiction , will bring that quality of energy that is not the outcome of resistance ...
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 19:44:57 +0000

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