Where There Is No Vision People Perish 04th July, 2014 WHERE - TopicsExpress


Where There Is No Vision People Perish 04th July, 2014 WHERE THERE IS NO VISION PEOPLE PERISH The people of Barotseland are not destined to perish. If they perish it will be at their own free choice. At the moment Barotzis are so terrified by the pronouncements of crime by their foe or enemy, as those who have heard the blast of the bomb shell. Let the Barotzis hold their peace, comprehend and understand the following: i. Crime against persons. ii. Crime against state. iii. Crime against humanity. Some of the crimes against persons are: 1) Breakings 2) Theft 3) Malicious damage to property 4) Fraudulency 5) Assault 6) Extortion Typical examples of crimes against the state are such as: 1) Murder 2) Robbery 3) Rape 4) Misappropriation of Government Funds (Corruption) In these cases, though there is a person or individual inflicted by an act; the one who acts as a complainant is the state, and the person afflicted or affected becomes the witness. Treason Felony is an act targeting the Government or the rulers, whereas crime against humanity is a crime committed by the government against mankind. What can be deduced from the foregoing are: If we have people in Barotseland and we have a state or a territory, then these offenses can exist or be cited. But if people of Barotseland believe that they are people of Zambia, then their belief will transform and transfer them into Zambia, though physically in Barotseland, and will be subjected to Zambian codes and statutes. If the people of Barotseland know that there is Barotseland territory, and they are Barotse people; then they should know that they exist and shall not be moved and be transformed into something else, and logically, where there are Barotse people and Barotseland territory, even if there were no laws, the people would be forced to have laws that suite them. After all laws guide, regulate and are for orderliness of the society. We originate as a territory from King Mboo, and Mulambwa mutomi wa milao. Who says we do not understand the importance of law? We had village Kuta, Silalo KUTA, SIKILITI KUTA, SIIKALO KUTA AND KASHANDI KUTA. NO AFRICAN SOCIETY HAD SUCH COURTS. WE ARE A PEOPLE OF JUSTICE. Everything exists in the context of belief where the society is concerned. The president believes that he has power. A judge believes that he has power. The policeman believes that he has power. Power is not tangible but it exists in someone’s mind and belief; these people do not physically handle the vessel called power, but because of certain formalities, they appear to have powers. First, you have to believe in the remedy before you can get healed. When Mr. Kaunda declared that “Barotseland shall become Western,” people had to believe him. It did not require him to change into an ugly creature or so in order for his words to be taken. The Litunga is the Head of State of Barotseland Kingdom, and He has powers; so the people must believe. If you don’t want to be slave or servant of Zambia anymore, just believe that Barotseland is a free state. Note what the bible states “To whom you yield yourselves as servants to obey, to him you become a servant whom you obey.” Romans 6:16. If you believe that Barotseland is an independent state, then only then can you deal with invaders; uninvited intruders according to Barotseland laws. Therefore, do not choose to become slaves and servant of Zambia. WRITTEN BY: RT. HON. AFUMBA MOMBOTWA ADMINISTRATOR GENERAL ROYAL BAROTSELAND GOVERNMENT - See more at: barotsepost/index.php/en/frontnews/local-news/830-where-there-is-no-vision-people-perish#sthash.brtC08Li.dpuf
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 08:23:05 +0000

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