Where You Stand In my youth, I asked myself “What way is - TopicsExpress


Where You Stand In my youth, I asked myself “What way is best for people to behave?” Then one day my tortoiseshell cat, Carrie came to get me to stay by her side when it was time for her to have her first litter. I remember her green eyes, worried and hopeful as if to ask for a comforting touch. Then I knew its best to have empathy and care for all souls, animal and human. Years later, one sad morning someone hit me hard and vindictively. I asked life why they would do a thing like that. Later that day, another person confided in me, “You never really have known pain until you look someone you love very much in the eye and see only the bare glare of blank daylight gleaming back.” I knew then humans strike out only because of fear, ignorance, or pain. For many years I asked, “Is there a God?” Then one evening I saw a sunset that bathed me with a quiet golden air so beautiful that I wept. And I knew then that it doesnt matter if theres a God or not. It is sufficient to know that there ought to be. Now, its a fact questions are as common as blue June sky. One of the secrets in life, my friend is that if you have the eyes and heart to see answers are too. Long ago, I decided what I wanted most in life was to learn. It took me years to realize that life gives us each an endless supply of change, curiosity, questions, and answers. Its just up to each of us to decide to use them. Leave half a glass of water setting in the street, and a few will stand around arguing whether its is half empty or half full, till somebody else wanders by and offers someone whos thirsty a drink. Good to know its usually more the matter of where you choose to stand than of what you go through. Dewey Dirks Friend Requests Always Welcome :)
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 03:32:03 +0000

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