Where are the Dead? The saints at Thessalonica were concerned - TopicsExpress


Where are the Dead? The saints at Thessalonica were concerned about those who had ‘fallen asleep.’ This phrase has led to some to believe that when one dies they are ‘sleeping’ that is they are not conscious until the Lord comes again. Others believe in ‘soul sleep’because they think that is we are plced in an eternal state at death and then judged by Jesus when He returns that it results in two judgments. However the Bible does not teach that the soul is unconscious between an individual’s death and the coming of Jesus. When Jesus was on the cross and the thief asked Him to remember him in His kingdom, Jesus told the one known as the thief that he would be with Him in paradise that day (Luke 23:43). These were encouraging words and were filled with anticipation. The answer Jesus gave does not fit with the ‘sleep’ or departed ones. Paul wrote to the Philippians and spoke of the challenge before him. While he was confident that he would continue in this life and be of benefit to them, he was also anxious to depart and be with Christ, which is ‘very far better’ (Phil 1:12-23).While we often look forward to a good night’s rest, Paul’s anticipation was the blessing of being with Christ. His hope did not include a ‘sleep’ til the end when Jesus would return. Jesus gave of the place where the departed spirits abide, the place called Hades (Luke 16:19-31). In that place those who lived in accordance with the will of God were comforted, while those who has been disobedient to the will of God were in agony and torment. They could see, perceive, communicate and knew of their condition. Jesus spoke of the rich man who even wanted Lazrus, whom he knew in this life, to return from the dead to warn his brothers. Neither Lazrus nor the rich man was sleeping, but each was receiving from the Lord the recompense of their response to God. If we die before the Lord comes again, our spirits will leave our physical bodies and be placed in either paradise or torment by the righteous judge of the living and the dead, Jesus Himself. Then, when Jesus returns He will cause the spirit to return to the body and be raised from the dead. At this resurrection all will be changed, and all will enter eternity depending upon what they have done in the body (2 Cor. 5:10; John 5:27-29). Live in obedience to the Lord, be faithful ‘til death, and you will enjoy the blessings of eternal life. Park Street Communicator April 17, 2011 #27 Greg Weston Ashland church of Christ 2 Cor 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. (NIV)
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 09:10:46 +0000

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