Where are the honorable people in the Democratic Party? Where are - TopicsExpress


Where are the honorable people in the Democratic Party? Where are the people who, regardless of how badly they want to win, will stand up and stop defending a proven liar? The fact is that Obama has personally lied, his cabinet members have lied and the Democrat leadership have lied as well. Of course, the pinnacle of prevarication was the lie perpetrated on the public about Obamacare. But when the lies are pointed out, the people who do the pointing are called racists. Let’s assume for a moment, for the sake of argument, that they are racists. How does that make the lies told by this administration true? It doesnt. The Democrats use to logical fallacies to attempt to ignore the provable falsity of the Age of Obama, one they use on themselves and the other on everybody else. The first is a form of fallacy called “begging the question” - this logically incoherent argument often arises in situations where people have an assumption that is very ingrained, as in we know Obama doesn’t lie because he says that he didn’t lie. The second argument is form of the genetic fallacy where something is presumed to be false simply due to its origin – as in the Tea Party folks claim that Obama lied but they are racists, therefore nothing they say is true. In logic, something either is or is not. A fallacy is employed to try to make something that is seem like it is not or something that is not look like it is. Lying is like a drug, the more you do it, the more you need to. Lying requires a good memory to keep everything straight as we move through time – the reasons that politicians, especially those at the national level get away with lying is that they know that their lies won’t matter to them personally after they are out of office. If you want proof, look at Bill Clinton. Lanny Davis has been one of the very few on the Demoicrat plantation who have dared to speak up. hotair/archives/2014/02/01/former-clinton-aide-to-pelosi-apologize/
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 03:26:41 +0000

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