Where are we going to get the rest? Ezra 8:22-23 For I was - TopicsExpress


Where are we going to get the rest? Ezra 8:22-23 For I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to accompany us and protect us from enemies along the way. After all, we had told the king, “Our God’s hand of protection is on all who worship him, but his fierce anger rages against those who abandon him.” So we fasted and earnestly prayed that our God would take care of us, and he heard our prayer. Has there ever been a time in your life when you didnt have enough to get you where you needed to be? You were short! Its a humbling feeling when you realize that you just dont have enough. Whether its standing in line at the grocery store or sitting at your desk doing your bills or getting ready for a trip; nothing is more disheartenting to know that you dont have enough. What do you do when you dont have enough? You have to remember that God has an unlimited supply! In this text Ezra who is a priest and a scholar, has been given permission and provision by a heathen King to rebuild the temple. He got a government grant to go back to offer sacrifice in Jerusalem. This is major. A gentile King gives money for the Jews to back and worship. When Gods hand is on you he will send you people to help you that ordinarily wouldnt. Thats favor! The bible says Gods hand was heavy upon Ezra because he studied, lived, and taught Gods word. When you study and live out Gods word favor follows you. Even though he had the supplies he needed he didnt have the protection he needed. With all of the silver, gold, and sacrifices he was granted he now needed protection from the bandits. Ezra said he was too ashamed to ask for anything else. Have you ever been ashamed to ask anybody for anything else? What do you do? 1. Remember what you believe. Ezra told the King, Our Gods hand of protection is on all who worship him... God watches over his children. We dont need the Kings army when Gods army is watching over us. God will not forsake us if we dont abandon him. 2. We fasted or we humbled ourselves. Fasting is a time when we deny ourselves of something to show God that we are totally depending on him. Fasting is when we are acknowledging that there is something more important than food. It is Gods presence. 3. We prayed. We have to make our petitions known to God. We have to be specific about what we need God to do. What are you missing that you need God to fill? Ezra said that God heard them and protected them from bandits without an army. God will bless you with nothing and make it look like something. No visible army showed up to protect Ezra and his people. There was no tangible evidence that God heard them but they were protected all the way. Where are we going to get the rest? We get it from God through obedience to his word. We get it by fasting. We get it through prayer. Dear God, Thank you for granting me the rest. I came up short but you provided the rest. God I pray that you would supply whats missing in the life of the person reading this devotional. This morning they need _______________. Will you give it to them this week?! Thank you Father for supplying all our needs according to your riches in Glory. In Jesus Name! Amen
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 13:24:13 +0000

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