Where are you at with your relationship with God? Are you - TopicsExpress


Where are you at with your relationship with God? Are you following Him completely? Have you rejected Him? Or are you straddling the fence? We must examine ourselves daily, concerning our walk with God. Many times, we say we have a relationship with Jesus, but the reality is, we just know who He is. We often times do not actually have a daily friendship with Him. If you find yourself struggling to maintain a relationship with Jesus because of your busy schedule, then it is time to cut some things back. There is nothing greater than, or more important than Jesus. If you have slipped away from Him, all it takes is a simple prayer of repentance, and acceptance of His love, to come back into His presence. If you have never ever known the Love of God, let me explain. God loved you so much, that He sent His Son Jesus, to earth, to die on the cross for your sins. Jesus, willingly gave up His life for you and I. He paid the penalty for us. He died on the cross, and 3 days later rose from the dead, so that we could have eternal life in Him, through Him in heaven with God. There is no other way to God and to heaven, but through the shed blood of Jesus. We must surrender our will to Him, and through Jesus we can have life. There is a heaven and hell, life or death, God has given us the choice of whether we will choose Him (life), or eternal damnation (hell). I have chosen Life (Jesus), I hope you will join me today in choosing life. Please share this and your faith today. If you have committed your life to God for the first time or made a re commitment today, PM me and lets get our praise shout on!! For all of heaven rejoices for one sinner that comes home.... (makes a commitment) :-)
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 13:13:47 +0000

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