Where billions of county budget hd bn used wajircounty hospital - TopicsExpress


Where billions of county budget hd bn used wajircounty hospital jzt se hw de mortury room. executive comittee member nd cheif of medical trader shl nt ashem the county government of wajir.its better for them to account themselv be4 acountability lukin for services nockd their offices.i cnt be proud of my nationalsm wen wajircounty hosptal motoury room picture remaind the current situation while billions of county budget goes to ths ministry.The governer of wajircounty shul kam nd witnsd widot proving any1 wrong or right.The people of ths county seems neighbours who rented neighbours residential.living tempereri as if waiting VIZA CARD frm UHNCR .lacking Patroitsm s wat mek our county behind.who s a visitor nd who s a resident in wajircounty is a pending motion house of assembly .lacks of civic education s also mojar problm to the pipo,s of wajirc.omG wea r we heading to ?
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 23:48:46 +0000

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