Where descended Adam , peace be upon him .. ? Opinion correct - TopicsExpress


Where descended Adam , peace be upon him .. ? Opinion correct what he saw Ibn Abbas - may Allah be pleased with him - said Adam hostel in India and landed Eve came in Jeddah Request, began looking them in the ground until they met and Tarefa Arafat so - called Arafat Tarefa of the Adam And Eve then broadcast God Almighty humans and transmit them many men and women Tabari tells that Eve was born Adam forty were born in the twenty twenty times belly generated each time you give birth to twins in each and every one of Male and Female The first of whom Cain and his sister Klima , most recently Abdul المغيث and his sister or المغيث and began humans يكثرون and reproduce The Prophet Adam was he who teaches religion and they were all united people were all one nation on Uniformity, tells that Abu Dhar asked Prophet - peace be upon him - said it was the first apostles said Adam said Abu Dhar prophet said the Prophet - peace be upon him - yes . He is not only a prophet but is also a messenger , A prophet created by God in his hand and then breathed into him of His spirit then the word before, God Adam kilometers without an interpreter without Inspired without mode without direct Jibril words . And tells Ibn Jarir , Ibn Kathir and others from Ibn Musa al-Ashari , may Allah be pleased with him that God Almighty and while Adam rappel from heaven to earth knowing everything as workmanship down a scientist and Maxia hostel The inn is known ways the main industry beginnings iron industry , fire and wood industry , Textiles and other articles if civilization began with the first man from the first moment then multiplication of creation and began the first Sin on earth Cain killed Abel and the rest of the story of Adam on the ground. We had talked about the story of Adam - peace be upon him - and we saw how the first sin was to God Almighty , where rejection Satan God curse him to prostrate to Adam , although God Almighty had explicitly ordered What kept you Worship , as I have commanded you , and out of this sin was arrogance and vanity this out as scientists say sin what Feels it is better than others that he is better than the other and it repeated the devil more than once I am better than him Created me from fire and created from clay issue is not which country you are from any tribe you, who brags The people imitate devil , while Adam , peace be upon him when he disobeyed received from the Lord have mercy on you , the devil When thou God Almighty Why did not prostrate insisted either Adam , peace be upon him what thou God Almighty why Asit said Lord wronged ourselves - admitted - { although not forgive us and mercy نكونن the losers ( } 23 This is a huge difference between the sin of Adam and disobedience to the devil The devil has insisted on sin فاستحق the Thus immortality in the fire, but Adam فاستغفر and that scientists say may God have mercy on them not small with no great secrets With forgiveness if you disobey and ask forgiveness and admitted Refer to the Lord فيتوب you but who insists on sin That which deserves punishment from God Almighty and we saw how Adam and his wife fell to the ground and was As we mentioned a world not only in matters of religion , but in worldly matters knowing God Almighty everything Knowing all the names , and taught him everything and workmanship was Maxia what was naked not as Johmonna the day that Humans pitched naked do not know something, he knows Inn and Adam and Eve lived in the earth and transmit God And exalted them many men and women in one of the novels that Adam lived a thousand years and saw his descendants And grandchildren and grandchildren of his grandchildren huge numbers , and Israeli and reached 400 thousand intention spread to humans One of the first sons of Adam, Cain said God Almighty and the story of Cain and his brother Abel in his book Holy ... This is what We will remember him in the following story sha God Peace be upon you and God s mercy and blessings
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 11:34:54 +0000

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