Where did this mess start?!! Those who still do not - TopicsExpress


Where did this mess start?!! Those who still do not believe that the insurrection in Syria was planned since 2006... at the aftermath of the Lebanese-Israeli war... had better not continue reading this article..! In my view...It is naive to continue believing that local ethnic differences, or sectarian squabbles, can provoke a major insurrection in a country like ours that lives under the silent hegemony of great powers ... and the shade of half a dozen interfering neighbours... who, in turn... are under direct mandate of the same great powers..! “Vox populi...Vox Dei” is an outdated myth...! Two reasons stand behind this! First...“People’s Voice” might determine a country’s fate only when that country belongs to the “Great Powers Club”... where other club members, afraid of reciprocity, think twice before interfering in each others’ open elections or internal affairs! Countries like the US, China, Russia, The United Kingdom, Germany, or France...and some others...can practice democracy... can boast conducting free elections; their governments’ ears are always attentive to public opinion polls... sure of the authenticity of their results...they act accordingly... simply because enemy intelligence and media have little effect on their respective populations! Wish this was the case in our third world countries... where puppet governments... puppet media... puppet intelligence services dance readily to foreign great powers’ tunes, and are more than willing to oblige their every wish and demand! The voice of the people in countries such as ours is either repressed, or a reflection of its controlled media, and its hired agents... it is never authentic!! It is always sold to the highest bidder!! Am I exaggerating?! Make a survey of your own...see if you can vouch for the integrity of more than one or two newspapers around the whole Arab world!! Start with Lebanon... where submissiveness to foreigners is obvious for all to see!! Second...”Vox Populi” proclaims wisdom that reads starting from its second or third chapter! It affirms the legitimacy of peoples’ claims (Always revolutionary!) presuming that these movements begin with the people’s manifestations at the streets... ignoring the elements that provoke them... lead up to them... elements without which no insurrection would start! Could there have been a French Revolution without the blind injustice of successive French kings... starting with Louis the14th and his decrepit court at Versailles...leading to the decapitation of Louis the 16th?!! Would there have been an October revolution... had it not been for the Russia’s cruel society that allowed the servitude of its peasantry and the extravagance of successive Tsars?!! These revolutions began at the French and Tsarist courts... well before anger exploded in the streets..!! Historians like to attribute revolutions to the dissatisfaction of the masses... blaming zealot intellectuals for instigating them..! They insist on pointing out streets’ manifestations as the starting point of insurrections..! I claim that they begin at the rulers courts...! Doctors identify an epidemic only when scores of patients are infected by a disease... Advanced Medical Researchers in the USA follow the physical source of the virus... upon finding it... point it out as the origin of the epidemic!! This may sound facetious reasoning to some... However; Medical Researchers claim that it is much more important to discover the birthplace of the virus than waist precious time simply curing individual cases!! It does not mean neglecting patients for the sake of discovering the source of illness... it means that remedying individual cases, though of prime importance, once achieved, ends up right there...while catching the origin of the virus stops the epidemic altogether and saves an entire population!! We have watched insurrections pop up here and there on our land, one after the other... and we will continue doing so for a long time to come ...helpless to understand their course of action, or their real origin...!! We echo the translated opinions of European reporters who named them...”Arab Spring”... and naively accepted Western explanation of their origin and presumed outcome... following daily changes in the military situation... wondering what major offensive is being prepared to tip the balance of the warring parties! This stupidity will continue for ever unless we discover who is really behind the fighting, and what they truly seek! One example of such viruses is French Zionist Bernard Henry Levy who has been sponsoring the new “Pax Islamica” with “Judaism” for years... his continuous travels to the US in support of this cause are well documented! He was in Libya before its insurrection...rallying support for the guerrillas... His phone calls to Sarkozy were decisive in initiating the European aerial attacks... hoping, as he openly declared on French TV, to do the same in Syria! He intervened in Tunis too... and his meetings with the Syrian opposition members in Paris are on record!! He campaigned against Pakistan and its “Islamic atom bomb”... promising to avenge the death of Jewish spy Daniel Pearl! He supported an Islamic rule in Egypt announcing an age of “Islamic-Israeli Entente Cordiale” between Muslims and Israel... well before the fall of Mubarak and the election of Mursi!! How many Arabs know who Bernard Henry Levy is... or bother to investigate whom he works for?! Our insurrections were intended at the Secret Services of foreign powers... where they were meticulously planned... well before Condalissa Rice announced them! The streets were only the platforms for the second or third acts of US-Israeli wishes!! The streets enacted delayed answers to deliberate persistent provocations, manipulations, and intrigues coming from the top! Street fighters are remote-controlled... what use is there in attributing an insurrection to them rather to those who command hem?!! It wasn’t the immolation of a worker that started the Tunisian uprising...or the shameless rule of Ben Ali’s that prepared its grounds..! The fertile ground of the rebellion was prepared, its steps planned, long before this act by those who instated Ben Ali in power... and Bourghiba before him... allowing Tunisia to sink gradually ... to where it is today today!! Only the blind discount similar or even worse scenarios awaiting the whole of Arabia... precisely, the destination that Ben Ali chose for his safe refuge!! Are its puppet rulers aware of what is in store for them?! Isn’t it sarcastic to watch how Qatar’s whole set of arrogant puppet Dictator- Actors were replaced at a disdainful “pouff” from the US?!! Amir...! Prime minister...! Foreign minister..!! All in one bundle...!!! One pouff from the masters...and they all simply vanished from the theatre’s scene that allowed them to flaunt their stupid arrogance!! What a farce!! What a disgrace!!! In our part of the world...revolutions should never be analyzed from the bottom up!! They invariably begin at the top... Pandora’s Box... the birthplace of all evil... the source of all social injustice..! There... all laws are decreed... the ruling classes, mysteriously appointed and maintained in power... dictate laws that serve their personal or ethnic interests..!! Security systems are built and activated to preserve their safety... working invariably against the interest of the masses... helping the ruler to monopolize all trade... extol more taxes from people’s meagre income... expropriate more of their arable land or more of their ancestral unprotected rights..! Peoples’ insurrections always appear “third” on the stage... camouflaged as a response to enticing unjust provocations by the ruling classes! There is nothing spontaneous about them!! They follow detailed proscribed plans coming from our Colonial Godfathers... initiating situations that serve Israeli-US interests! Neither our megalomaniac ruling class... nor the population, fed up with continuous depravation of their rights, were responsible for what befell our country! We were the hypnotized “Comparse” to this tragedy... its million refugees...its hundred thousand innocent victims... were merely ad hoc local lay- actors... haphazard enrolled participants! Those at the “Top” in our case are not those who deliver the local evil, but those abroad who plan and fabricate it...they are those who install and maintain rulers in their palaces... allowing them that much freedom of action... but not one iota more!! Forest fires thrive where dry combustible elements stand waiting for someone to strike a match! It is a mistake to attribute the insurrections to the match... ignoring the powers that force our governments to allow our woods to dry up... ready to burn!! It is more than naive... it is simply stupid to suppose that tunnels opened across all of Syria’s borders... six years before the insurrection began... were done spontaneously ...for no reason... with no further use for them in mind!! Isn’t it enough to ask who dug those tunnels... Who planned them...and Why?!! Those who sit still waiting for the outcome of this or that meeting by the opponents in our conflict... expecting some satisfying answer for this riddle... should improve their I.Q.!! The final answer is well written, signed, and sealed in the pockets of Kerry and Bogdanov!! Only minute changes are always left for unforeseen circumstances... allowing some semblance of spontaneity... which calls for more meetings to take place! All the contradicting declarations, the advances and retreats... the stumbling blocks that seem to erupt suddenly facing negotiators... are merely tricky manoeuvrings...alluring tactics... make-believe hardships... for the benefit of the exasperated gullible public... in order to make the results all the more convincing... easier to swallow!! It couldn’t have been later than the second or third meeting between Obama and Putin that a new “Yalta” was agreed upon... the coming months will trickle on us the first letters of its fatal details... one by one!! It is possible that CIA Snowdon is keeping some hidden details under his sleeve! Details that divulge that “No solution” serves best the interests of all parties...!! No solution will preserve Russian interests for a long time... It will keep our leaders on a Western leach for as long as they wish...!! Most important of all... it will annihilate Syria from within...on the hands of Syrians ...to the utter joy and satisfaction of Israel and its Arab peace partners...!! In view of this possible brilliant solution ... In this cruel game of power play... Unfortunately for Syrians... Victims do not count!! You see... the street is there only to assess the fighting...to stop the balance from tipping one way or the other...!! It has never been a legitimate starter of the insurrection... nor will it be its decisive “Finale”!!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 02:46:57 +0000

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