““Where do I find hope? In the poor Jesus, Jesus who made - TopicsExpress


““Where do I find hope? In the poor Jesus, Jesus who made himself poor for us. And you spoke of poverty. Poverty calls us to sow hope. This seems a bit difficult to understand. I remember Fr. Arrupe [Father General of the Jesuits from 1965–1983] wrote a letter to the Society’s centers for social research. At the end he said to us: ‘Look, you can’t speak of poverty without having experience with the poor.’ You can’t speak of poverty in the abstract: that doesn’t exist. Poverty is the flesh of the poor Jesus, in that child who is hungry, in the one who is sick, in those unjust social structures. Go forward, look there upon the flesh of Jesus. But don’t let well-being rob you of hope, that spirit of well-being that, in the end, leads you to becoming a nothing in life. Young persons should bet on their high ideals, that’s my advice. But where do I find hope? In the flesh of Jesus who suffers and in true poverty. There is a connection between the two.” —Pope Francis, Question and answer session with Jesuit School students (June 7, 2013) Campus Ministry will be participating in Catholic Relief Services Operation Rice Bowl this Lent. Each Sunday Supper during Lent, we will be sharing in a simple meal from each of the countries that will be helped by the funds raised. This Sunday, we will have Frijoles Volteados (a black bean dish) from Guatemala. Please be sure to take a student bulletin for weekly reflections on the readings from the week, as well as one of the Catholic Social Teaching principles we will be focusing on for the week. Each Wednesday, join us for a longer reflection and discussion on the chosen country, social justice principle, and concrete ways that we can help beyond collecting money. We will be meeting at 7:30 PM in the Emmaus House. AND, dont forget to pick up a rice bowl on the Atrium Table!!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 21:10:08 +0000

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