Where do you belong? Genesis 35:2 So Jacob said to his - TopicsExpress


Where do you belong? Genesis 35:2 So Jacob said to his household and to all who were with him, Get rid of the foreign gods you have with you, and purify yourselves and change your clothes. Do you belong to Jesus, or do you belong to another foundation. The bible lets us know that the one who walks in the ways of Christ, has the protection of God. When Abraham went to Gerar, he realized that the people were carnal, so he agreed with his wife to tell the people that he is a brother to her. The king took his wife, but God spoke to the king in a dream not to touch her for this is someones wife (Genesis 20). We can see the power of God at work on Abraham who knew the wicked ways of a community he had to live with, for peace to reign, he went as far as calling his wife his sister. This same thing happened to Abram, when he went down to Egypt(Genesis 12:10-20). Had Abraham gone in there and announced his wife, who knows what the outcome would have been? But Abraham knew the Lord loves peace and he was ready to make peace in every way. Christ also gave us this command to love and forgive no matter the circumstance, to turn the other side of your cheek and receive a second slap if a first slap has been given. Following all these instructions paves way for the power of God to manifest. The one who belongs to Christ has surrendered all he had as household gods, alters, shrines, repented and believes that Jesus is the savior. Look at what Jacob did, he took all these household gods and buried them under an oak in Shechem because he was going to build an alter to God. He actually got rid of them, never to be seen again. The result of his action was that the terror of God fell on all their enemies and no one could pursue them. (Genesis 35:4-5). God actually causes your enemies to fear you when you have destroyed these household gods, alters, shrines, repented and given your life to Jesus. Are you still keeping your household gods, alters, shrines as decorations to remember the things your ancestors did, know that God is Holy and his power will not act in your favor when you are having these. Many families today still have these in their keeping and at the same time are Christians, some secretly worship them, some call it tradition and they have traditional rites that must be performed yearly, or occasionally when need arises. There is this fear that if the idols are destroyed terror will come upon them, but on the contrary as we have seen, if they are destroyed, Gods terror comes upon our enemies and they will not come after you any longer. Copy the example of Jacob, then in time of trouble, the Lord will cause terror on your enemies and they will fear you. The one who keeps these, is an enemy to God. Christ never had any house hold gods and Christ said if we follow his teachings, him and his father will come and make them their home (John 14:23). In Genesis 39, the Lord was always with Joseph and showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of his enemies every where he went. This was as a result of the household idols that had been destroyed. In Genesis 31:19, Rachael, Josephs mother actually stole their fathers house hold idols and they were amongst the idols buried. So this means they were free from idols and the Lords Kindness was on Joseph because of this. We can see the great work of the Apostle Paul in Ephesus, how he spent years there convincing people to get rid of the idols they thought was protecting them, but rather it was the cause of their trouble (Acts 19). From what the apostle John said, this appears to be a sin that leads to death, because in the end he said keep away from idols. (1 John 5:16-21). Decide today whom you will serve as your master and Lord, as for me i will serve the Lord. Further Bible studies Isaiah 44:6-23 Ezekiel 18:5-6 Zechariah 10:1-2
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 17:07:30 +0000

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