Where is Dr. Scott on Chikwanda? In its editorial of Sunday - TopicsExpress


Where is Dr. Scott on Chikwanda? In its editorial of Sunday September 28, the Post Newspaper continued its attack against Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda (ABC) by again citing the illegally recorded conversation of the minister and the Post’s ‘Other Person’. The paper eulogises Dr. Scott and even has, on their front page, a headline reading: “Luapula backs Scott”, and continues to label ABC as a man without morals and absurdly asks if “Chikwanda has usurped presidential powers by the back door”, whatever that means. All this is based on private, privileged and confidential home discussions which the Post illegally recorded. The paper downplays its grievous violation of the country’s laws by invading an individual’s privacy and now making a fortune through selling such illegally acquired information. Funny enough the editorial says ABC should not question the morality of the illegal recordings which invaded his privacy but should rather apologise. As absurd as this may sound to any sane person, that is what the paper said! It’s grossly absurd, silly, and strange, that the Post, which clearly has a case to answer here, is telling the nation that its conduct and behaviour should not be questioned because they feel they are doing Zambians a favour by “giving the Zambian people an opportunity to see through Chikwanda”. Fair enough, in 2013 the Post wrote glowing praises of ABC, and we all saw through ABC as a man who is loyal, dedicated, and disciplined in his work and service to the nation. Even when the economy was nose diving, all was well as the Post did not see the need to speak ill of ABC. Now when the economy is on recovery, the exchange rate stable (though depreciated), suddenly ABC is the devil we should be wary of as per the Post’s ‘new illegal private recording assessment’? Clearly, such shape shifting by the Post should not get them any sympathy, it would be absurd to sympathise with a business that abuses people’s lives in the guise of doing the nation a favour by invading their privacy, and then selling such to make a profit. God would, and should punish any sane person that sympathises with a business that has no respect for the lives, families and privacies of citizens, a paper that sees itself as some form of deity and believes in the infallibility of its editors, and a business that does not pay its dues as prescribed by the law. We cannot, and should not allow to constantly be swayed in our political moods and decisions by the self-centred aims of a business that does not pay legal taxes. The paper’s arrogance to address its dues and taking responsibility in illegally recording people’s lives and publishing these without permission is disheartening. Clearly, the reports of the past few days shows an obsessive desire to regain the people’s confidence by ill reporting of friendships that have fallen off. If all of us were to be recorded in our private homes and bedrooms while having our good red French wines and Whiskeys, then our courts would have to operate 24 hours a day without rest. Who has never said anything in private that they would not say in public? I certainly have said so many things about my friends, bosses, lecturers, etc etc– in private–things I would however, not say in public nor allow to be published. Morality is in our actions, actual actions, not perceived nor created by a deity run publishing house. Let matters and lectures of morality be left to those schooled and called to the duty of moral teaching: Our priests, imams, Bishops etc etc. Excessive citing of scripture to justify one’s aims is mere deceit, and clearly the use of the Lord’s name in vain and vanity pursuits is blasphemy! The paper wants ABC to apologise, it wants him to be on knees and seek forgiveness because his house was invaded by the Post. It clearly wants ABC under its grip, they tried it in 2013 when they, like they did to Kabimba and now Dr. Scott, sung praises of ABC’s honesty, hard work, dedication, love for the nation, statesmanship, etc. Clearly ABC did not respond to their carrot dangling, he must have had better things to do than get excited with media coverage. Or perhaps he was wise enough to see through their schemes? As the saying goes, “You cannot tell a crooked road until you see a straight one besides it”. The Post have Chikwanda on Dr. Scott, can they too publish Dr. Scott on Chikwanda? If we are indeed to harshly judge ABC’s morality as defined by the Post, can there be a counter publication of Dr. Scott’s private, privileged conversations recorded as he drinks his Scottish Whiskey and relaxing at his farm? We cannot tell Dr. Scott’s “Private Morals” and so it will be immature for any sane person to assume that ABC is immoral. No! But we do know, however, that the now praised Dr. Scott has on record engaged publicly in tribal and racist rants. If that is anything to go by, then we cannot even imagine his private conversations. As the Bible says: You will know them by their works, not words. The violation of individuals’ privacy and non-adherence to legal tax requirements have clearly shown us who the so called media deities truly are: An inherently unreliable and deceitful bunch of media practitioners who regard the truth as a transitory, flexible concept, which could be molded to suit their current purposes, interests and financial aims. Finally, let us ask ourselves: Should we judge a man from his private words spoken in private and in confidence rather than his works shown in public? Clearly only a delusional and misguided deity would say yes!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 18:16:43 +0000

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