Where is President John Dramani Mahama? Gonjaland is on Fire – - TopicsExpress


Where is President John Dramani Mahama? Gonjaland is on Fire – Civil War brewing in Bole Traditional Area!!! Gonjaland has enjoyed relative peace since the Konkonba uprising in the Kpandai area. Today, I join the youth and peoples of Gonjaland, particularly the peoples of the Bole Traditional Area, to stand against intrigue, tyranny, bribery and corruption, dismantling of the rule of law and traditional rotational order, and above all fomenting an unnecessary civil war among the Princes and peoples of the Bole Traditional Area, by this Dagomba buffoon and/or clown turned Yagbongwura. Folks, this will not be a war of words; it will engulf the civilian populations and all citizens living in the Bole Traditional Area. Let’s get the facts straight. The Yagbongwura, this nasty failed carpenter and who I refer to as a Dagomba man who happens to speak Gonja, and by the mistakes of History has become the Yagbongwura, has not the slightest inkling or idea of the concept of the Gonjaland Chieftaincy rotational sequence; especially in the Bole Traditional area. Folks, it is an established rotational fact, set in stone, that the Mandariwura is next in Command and inline to Bolewura and automatically takes the skins when the Bolewura is incapacitated or dead; NOT KIYAPEWURA. There is not a single soul in Gonjaland who does not know that. Second, it is very unusual and even impossible for the Yagbongwura to terminate a Divisional Chief on frivolous grounds. In fact, it is even more of a crime against the Gonjaland Kingdom to dismiss a Divisional Chief because some unscrupulous individuals have gone and bribed the Yagbongwura to destabilize Gonjaland. Further, it is unacceptable for the Yagbongwura to force the Bolewura to install two sub chiefs each in Mandari and Tinga, and equally unacceptable for the Yagbongwura to dismiss or terminate the Bolewura because he will not install two sub Chiefs each in Mandari and Tinga. Folks, these are the bare facts? When, in the history of Gonjaland, has the Yagbongwura interrupted and taken over the traditional constitutional duties of a Divisional Chief in Gonjaland, by usurping his powers to appoint and install sub chiefs? Never has that happened until this year when we have a failed carpenter Dagomba man turned Yagbongwura, together with his partner in crime the Buipewura Jinapor, also an ex-policeman, corrupted police officer transferring his “culture of bribery and corruption from the Ghana Police Service” to Chieftaincy affairs in Gonjaland. Buipewura, I want you to note that I was in there in your home on a fine day in June, watching you and witnessing you accepting bribes to influence this case. Get back to those who offered you the bribe; I was the person introduced to you from USA, as you open heartedly accepted those bribes and promised immediately to leave for Damongo to see your friend, the corrupt Yagbongwura. I am intricately aware of your unscrupulous, conniving and selfish acts with the Yagbongwura. It was very difficult for me to say a word during the struggles between Alex Adam Iddi AND KANTARA. They are both my beloved brothers. That is why I did not go to say hi to my beloved Bolewura when I was in Bole for two days in June 2013. Because, I would have gone to see the Bolewura and say hi to him with either Salawura Alex Adam Iddi or with Mandariwura Kantara Issahaku Abdulai. I could not afford to take sides. Moreover, my senior cousin, Alhaji Nuhu Mahama Kamagtey, warned and cautioned me seriously to stay out of the little squabble between Salawura and Kantara; and I did. However, this time is different. The circumstances on the ground have changed but, this Dagomba man has not changed. Folks, by natural selection, God called my beloved Salawura back home; I know he is sitting on the right hand side of God in Heaven watching and urging me on to uphold his good name. By this solemn act of God, everybody in Gonjaland felt that the war of words had ended; there will be peace and that God has restored dignity and respect to both Bolewura and Yagbongwura. Everybody, including Salawura Alex Adam Iddi, would have thought this foolish Dagomba man will accept God’s will and let sleeping dogs stay asleep. This is purely common sense. But folks, common sense are not so common. A fool is a fool, no matter what title you bestow on him. This fool, this idiot of a Yagbongwura did not see how God created a way for him to save face, to get out of this tangled web of the Bole Chieftaincy issues. He defied God! He rejected and neglected God’s way, and instead insisted on taking on more bribes, hailed on by his partner in crime, the Buipewura Jinapor. At this juncture, I want to volunteer a personal disclosure to all and the Yagbongwura. I am not interested in becoming a Chief. I am not a Prince; I am a Kabontosuwa, an Alena, from Kwajape. Yes, my great grandfather, Kwaja Issifa, was once a Reagent for the Bole skins waiting for the enskinment of a Bolewura; that does not raise me to the level of a Gonja Prince. On my mother side, I am the grandson of one of the powerful Mbongwuras of Wasipe, Mbongwura Akwesi Ameyaw; my mother’s father. I am also the great grandson of Limam Nuhu of the famed Limampe in Daboya. My mother’s mother was called AWALIKIYE, one of the most beautiful and most respected daughters of Limam Nuhu. So, for your information Yagbongwura, do not expect me any time soon on this earth to come to your Palace to bribe you and seek any corrupt favors. I am entitled to all rights bestowed on all Gonjalanders in Gonjaland; and you Yagbongwura cannot do anything about it. So, on a more serious note, first I want to call on the Kiyapewura, Mr. Daniel Yahaya, to hold his head up, accept and continue to accept the great respect and dignity he has enjoyed among Bole youth and peoples, and also stand on principle to reject and turn down the transfer of the Bolewura skins to him by the Yagbongwura, as the Yagbongwura has announced. Mr. Yahaya, please do not listen to Afisa Yahaya, your daughter, with whom I am in contact here in the US, to defy the traditions of Bole and Gonjaland. Afisah has accused me of “ranting” and ordered me to shut up; as if she can give me orders. In Gonjaland, there is a saying that if you have not risen to the status of yelling orders onto people but you insist on yelling orders on people, you are just simply making more noise. That is what Afisah is doing. Also, Afisah is one of my beloved sisters; her mother is my aunt, a dear aunt indeed. So, I suppose, Afisah is my playmate, according to Gonjaland tradition, and therefore can give me any orders; even though she knows I will not listen. Love you Afisah, but let me pour out the venom on this corrupt Dagomba man turned Yagbongwura. So again, Mr. Yahaya Daniels, remember that Mr. J. A. Mahama, the present Bolewura, is your brother/cousin. He has uplifted your father’s house and the Palace of the Bolewura has been moved into your father’s house. Do not allow this Dagomba man failed Carpenter divide you and your brother and rule you and your brother, and above all cause a civil war in your beloved Bole Traditional Area. Folks, the time has come for all Gonjaland peoples to stand up against dictatorship, to stand up against bribery and corruption eating away Chieftaincy affairs in Gonjaland brought on by these two thieves; the Yagbongwura and his partner in crime the Buipewura Jinapor. It is time for the Gonjaland Youth Association to make it abundantly clear to the this Carpenter that the youth of Gonjaland are not going to stand idle and watch him foment death and war onto our young men just to protect the bribes he has accumulated. It is time the Northern Regional House of Chiefs steps in to stop this Carpenter from bringing unnecessary attention and civil war to the North and Gonjaland, just because this Carpenter and his partner in crime Buipewura Jinapor have turned blind eyes to every traditional value of Gonjaland in order to pursue their insatiable appetite for bribes. It is time for the National House of Chiefs in Ghana to step in to stop the genocide that is about to erupt in Gonjaland. It is time for the Ministry and Minister of Chieftaincy Affairs in Ghana to step in to stop the genocide that is about to erupt in Gonjaland. Above all, it is time for His Excellency, President John Dramani Mahama, to step in to stop the genocide that is about to erupt in Gonjaland. To the President, John Dramani Mahama, I have this to openly disclose to you. Mr. J. A. Mahama, the present Bolewura is your uncle. Mr. J. A. Mahama, despite you John’s national party affiliations, fought tooth and nail to get the Gate of your father re-instated on the rotational sequence in the Bole Traditional Area. John, despite your political differences with Mr. J. A. Mahama, he is the husband of one of your late senior sisters. John, despite your political differences it is in your best interest to keep all unnecessary social upheavals in the Bole Traditional Area under control, and enforce or ensure that peace prevails in your own constituency that propped you up to the presidency. John, after politics you will be back in Bole and you will be a nominee for one of Bole’s skins. Remember, after your father died, Bole and Gonjaland conferred the title of a Chief on him before burial. Your action in this matter to stop atrocities that will follow is as good for your re-nomination for a second term as it is as good for the opposition to pounce on your failures in Bole traditional Area and Gonjaland to defeat you in the North and all Ghana in 2016. Your Presidency will be judged by how you have been able to handle Gonjaland affairs; particularly how you have been able to bring peace and tranquility in your own constituency; the Bole traditional Area. John, I want you to know this, wherever you are abroad today, that the NPP is not finished with you yet! The NPP will exploit this Bole Chieftaincy affairs, drug this Carpenter man turned Yagbongwura to court up to the Supreme Court, not for anything else but just to embarrass you John. What is more, the Bolewura will win this case in all Courts of law and at the Houses of Chiefs in Ghana, much to your embarrassment, if you don’t take action now. So, over to you President John Dramani Mahama. You can sit down there and keep quiet, which translates to mean you are directly involved and protecting and condoning the bribery and corruption practices of the Yagbongwura and his partner in crime the Buipewura Jinapor; or you can step up, put your prestige and powers bestowed on you as President to bear and divulge yourself away from these crooks, do the right thing by stopping Yagbongwura in his tracks, and restore peace in Gonjaland. John, you can sit down and do nothing and give sound credence to the rampant rumor now in Gonjaland and all Over Ghana, that you are directly behind this conspiracy, doing your best to get the Bolewura dismissed by the Yagbongwura because the Bolewura is an NPP sympathizer and supporter. That rumor of your direct involvement is gaining steam, credibility and factual evidence with time; because you hold the power in your hands to stop this nonsense, yet you are doing nothing. Finally John; we are all watching your actions or inactions in this Chieftaincy mess in the Bole Traditional Area. It will define for me; yes me and many of your present supporters in particular, whether you deserve our efforts and energy and support in the 2016 elections. I can speak for myself now, and I want you to know that your inaction in this Bole Chieftaincy mess will be a defining moment for me. John, let me promise you one thing! Your inaction will be the catalyst that will propel me into never before seen participation in the presidential campaign against you in 2016. I am sure you know I mean my words! Yes, you read right. You are my sweet and dear brother. You are a true and 100% Gonjaland man, left and right; your father from Bole and your mother from Bunsunu. You are a unique child of the late Honorable E. A. Mahama, unlike your other siblings with mothers from other ethnic groups. You are a true Prince of Gonjaland and Bole. Your stake in this issue is very high and you cannot allow this failed Carpenter and corrupt Buipewura Jinapor to define your Presidency. Finally, I want to call on all reasonable and impartial persons in Gonjaland to step up their defense of Gonjaland traditions, especially these elders I know personally; namely, Alhaji Sammy Abu Jajah (I wonder?), Alhaji Nuhu Mahama Kamagtey, Alhaji Lepowura Nuru Deen Jawula, Alhaji Sulemana Gado, Mr. Amadu Nyankamawu, Dr. Atchulo of the Police Hospital, all the four Divisional Chiefs of Daboya, Kusawgu, Tulwe and Kpembi, the youth, and all the Princes of Gonjaland to stand up for justice in Bole Traditional Area to avert bloodshed. I also want to send my sincere and genuine appreciation to the role being played by Colonel Iddissah. Thank you Colonel, you are a true Gonjaland son, who is only interested in peace and tranquility in Gonjaland. Thank you Colonel for your wisdom and efforts to talk to all parties in this conflict to respect tradition and put personal ambitions aside for the sake of peace and brotherhood in Gonjaland. Thank you Colonel Iddissah in your solitary efforts to bring well deserved closure to this crisis; it must feel awful for you alone there with a lone voice trying to bring understanding to our Princes. I do not envy your position and the forced dilemma in which these warring factions have placed you but, will call on all the few Gonjalanders I have mentioned above to join forces with you to bring about peace and get our beloved Gonjaland back from this Dagomba man Carpenter. No one can forget and forgive the treachery of a Dagomba man on your dealings; yes by the guy called “Suffer to Gain” in Tamale. God bless Gonjaland and God bring peace to the Bole Traditional Area, AAAAAMEN!!!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 19:44:01 +0000

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