Where is all of this headed? - TopicsExpress


Where is all of this headed? hightimetoawake/the-next-world-empire/ By Craig C. White What is really going on in the world? Will Al-Qaeda take Baghdad? Is all the fighting in the Middle East related? Why is Russia creating a Union? Where is all of this headed? Al-Qaeda is fighting to conquer Syria. They haven’t been able to beat Assad and the Syrian army. But the bible says that Damascus, Syria will fall. Soon Turkey will enter the fight and destroy Damascus. Now Al-Qaeda is fighting for Iraq. They have taken Mosul which was already the Al-Qaeda stronghold and headquarters in Iraq. Mosul is in the Nineveh Province in Iraq. Nineveh is the ancient capital of the Assyrian Empire. Judging by the borders of ancient territories and the fact that there is no end time battle for Iraq described in the bible. Al-Qaeda will not conquer Baghdad. It is probable that Mosul and the Nineveh Province will be destroyed as described by the Prophet Nahum. Where is all this leading? The Middle East is purposely being consolidated under Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood and ultimately Turkish rule. This is the plan to create a new Muslim Empire. Speaking of Empires. World leaders are fully aware that the world is being divided into Sections. Russia is responding by creating their own Union. They have only begun that process. Al-Qaeda has taken the Nineveh Province in Iraq. This will prompt Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and others to now accelerate its plans to form its own Central Asian Union. The world is headed towards the formation of the next World Empire. It is composed of three or four groups of nations or Unions. These Unions have been in the planing stages for many years. World leaders know all about it. We are witnessing a very deliberate effort to take control over entire regions of the old world. The next World Empire will cover the old world. It will ultimately be ruled by one person. I think that person is Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan. The next World Empire will be destroyed by Jesus Christ at his second coming. Below is a map of the four divisions of the next world empire. New World Order Map 4 Quadrants of the Final Gentile World Empire Revelation 20:8 By Craig C. White This commentary features a map of the final gentile world empire as described in Daniel chapter 7. The final gentile world empire will be operational during the Tribulation period. It will be headed by the Antichrist, and it will be destroyed by Jesus Christ at his second coming. The final gentile world empire is also known as “The New World Order”. It is the last chance that God will offer men to rule over the earth. World leaders today are ardently working toward the formation of the New World Order. My commentary titled “The Leopard is Upon Us!” explains Daniel’s description of the end time formation of this final man ruled empire. My commentary goes through Daniel chapter 7 verse by verse. It is one of my most important commentaries, and this map is its culmination. Please read “The Leopard is Upon Us!” in my eBook “The Fall of Satan and Rise of the Antichrist”. I know that many of us are confused about the size of the next world empire. Most people think that the Antichrist will rule over the entire earth. He won’t. The final gentile world empire will cover the same geographic region that every world empire has covered; namely the old world. You probably think that this commentary is about the New World Order; and yes it is. But even more, it is about the very center of the New World Order. I mean the very center of the New World Order politically, as well as the very center of its geography! According to Daniel chapter 7 the final gentile empire is formed by combining four groups of nations. These “Unions” include 1) The European Union, 2) a new Russian Union, 3) a Central Asian Union, and 4) a Middle Eastern Union. If you ask your pastor about this he will blow a gasket. This subject, along with Daniel chapter 7 has long been neglected and misunderstood. So there are four groups of nations that combine to form one big empire. That’s easy to understand. But wait, I told you earlier that this commentary was about the center of this world empire. Well there is a nation that sits smack in the middle of these four Unions. It is the geographic center of the New World Order. It is also the place where the leader of the next world empire sits today. That nation is Turkey! All four quadrants of the final gentile world empire intersect at Turkey. That means that the four corners of the old world meet at the nation of Turkey. So then Turkey is the center of the gentile world. Let’s remember that civilization resumed near Mt. Ararat in eastern Turkey after Noah’s flood. Just to let you know. God views Turkey as the symbol and very heart of the world’s rebellion. Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 describe two separate end time invasions into Israel that are led by the ruler of Turkey. Many nations are joined with Turkey during these battles. These battles represent man’s rebellion toward God and the world’s hatred of Israel, God’s chosen people. Both of these battles are led by the “chief prince” or primary leader of Turkey known as “Magog” in Ezekiel. The Hebrew words for “chief prince” in Ezekiel 38:2 practically spell out “Prime Minister”! My commentaries titled “Magog Made Easy!” and “Magog Made Easier!” talk all about Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39. Magog is the ruler of Turkey. He will lead a near time invasion into Israel (Eze 38). He will also lead another invasion into Israel at the end of the Tribulation period (Eze 39). This latter invasion is also known as the battle of Armageddon. Magog may or may not be the same person during these two battles, but he will always be a leader of Turkey. Some of you may have already realized that Magog leads even another third battle against Israel after the first one thousand year reign on earth of Jesus Christ. This battle is described in Revelation chapter 20 below. Rev 20:7-9 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, 8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. 9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. The four quarters of the earth! OK, now this is what this commentary is really about! Four quarters and four corners! The Greek word translated as quarters in Revelation 20:8 is gonia. Gonia means corner or quarter. go-nee’-ah an angle: – corner, quarter. Turkey is where the four quarters of the final man ordained empire collide. Turkey is the center of earthly civilization. Turkey is the geographic center of all of the nations. Turkey is where east meets west. Turkey is the epicenter and symbol of man’s rebellion toward God. Turkey is where Magog will come from. Turkey is where the Antichrist will come from. Turkey will lead the world into battle against Israel now; and Turkey will lead the world into battle against Israel latter. Turkey is about to invade Syria, decimating Damascus, and then lead a Middle Eastern invasion into Israel. Turkey is where the Antichrist will come from! I think that he will be a Turkish Prime Minister. I think that the Antichrist could be current Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan. I am certain that Prime Minister Erdogan is Magog as described in Ezekiel 38. Take a look at The New World Order Map below. The four corners of the final man ruled world empire meet at the nation of Turkey. The New World Order Map depicts the four groups of nations (or Unions) that will combine to create the final gentile world empire. The Antichrist will be the leader of this final man ruled empire. He and it will be destroyed at Jesus Christ’s second coming. I have included Iran and Iraq in the Central Asian Union. I think that Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India will be the four main nations in the Central Asian Union. Iran and Iraq may be two of four secondary members. The Leopard in Daniel 7:5 has four heads and also four wings. My commentary titled “The Leopard is Upon Us!” in my eBook “The Fall of Satan and Rise of the Antichrist” details the end time formation of the New World Order. Today we have all become a little wiser. It is High Time to Awake! Read about Daniel 7′s description of the formation of the final gentile world empire in my new eBook The Fall of Satan and Rise of the Antichrist. amazon/dp/B00BBEB7DS
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 01:09:07 +0000

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