Where is the West to complain & protest about mass murders in - TopicsExpress


Where is the West to complain & protest about mass murders in Syria & Iraq by the extremist group ISIS.Yet we have these same people screaming blue murder against Israels war in Gaza.Yes I agree Israel has overreacted in this war but I ask you all what is Hamas doing about protecting their people? Absolutely nothing zero as far as Hamas is concerned the own people are to be martyred for Allah & propaganda purposes. The bigoted anti Jews refuse to accept such brutality by Hamas accusing Israel of Nazi war crimes. Yet Hamas is an Islamist party more akin to ISIS & the Moslem Brotherhood that over the last 8 years has enforced Sharia Law unto the innocent civilians of Gaza.The leaders of Hamas have blood on their hands of their own appealing to Muslims worldwide to attack Jewish & pro Jewish centers. Andrew Bolt as controversial as he is hits the nail right on the head. Extremist Islam is on the rise & many Westerners have been duped into supporting such criminals without realizing the serious consequences of their duplicity.Watch & weep how fanatical Talibans are ripping the minds of their little children brainwashing 5 & 6 years old into killing Jews.Where is Kapolos,Tommy the last male virgin Galic, Dimos da plane da plane Adreadis, Sfyrios, Mitsos the Thracian goat herder, Mitsos the goat sacrificer,Angelos the closet Golden Dawner Salvanos, Andrew last socialist standing Antipas, the Florinian with the Hebrew name Elias Deliyannis now to see religious extremism at its worst. I cry for the massacre of the innocents from both sides of the fence but I will be damned if I become duped by propagandists & conspiracists.Shame shame on you apologists of religious fanaticism shame on you for losing all sense of logic compromising yourselves with blind hate bigoted un-Hellenic individuals.We Greeks pride ourselves of having an open logical mind you fools sadly have lost your way into an abyss of HATE without researching the evidence!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 15:08:29 +0000

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