Where is your brother? By Habtom Yohannes July 4, - TopicsExpress


Where is your brother? By Habtom Yohannes July 4, 2014 Bologna - Festival PFDJ-style The participants flown From PFDJ-headquarters Through save & luxurious Routes of drinks Not rough seas Like the Lampedusa victims Thousands of Eritrean refugees Fleeing PFDJ-scourges Dessert snakes Poisonous traffickers PFDJ-push factors 366+400+xxx bodies Families awaiting their burials PFDJ invites them for festivals To dance away their sorrows In the land of PFDJ Isaias Sacred rituals are festivals Blind followers are angels Monkeys are high priests Critical thinking & questions Are for traitors Where are your brothers & sisters Mothers, fathers, children, kids In the prisons, in desserts, in graves Scattered like sheep without shepherd in refugee camps Untold pains and cries Thrown out of Bologna festivals of betrayal & denials No, real Eritreans are not victims They visit festivals after festivals Play every day Ostrich politics Enjoy Western life styles Curse the West for problems caused by their leaders Unlike the days of tragedies Will be gone Festival-hours Eritrean realities and PFDJ-attrocities Will await you after your timely happiness PFDJ has no policies to solve problems It itself is the Eritrean curse Not not more in our names Eritreans deserve beter than 23 years of oppression under Isaias & cohorts not our choice We have beter alternatives not by force but by elections not by the burrel of the gun & force but by the consent of the people our votes Enough is enough PFDJ games Has tarnished the image of Eritrea & its peoples Diplomatic disaster and military failures They try to fool the people by festivals after festivals PFDJ anasthesia that kill feelings sympathy for humanity love for your brotehrs and sisters Victory for the masses is derishion for the peopel and the nation Eritreans are fade up with your lies False promises Eritrean wounds are open to the world of nations you cant hide them by multiplying Eritrean flags You cant silence Eritrean cries by flying in musicians You cant entertian me by enticing suzininos Eritrean Suffering is a joke for PFDJ, The tragedies are real for Eritreans of conscience; no more games Counted are your days, gain they will Eritreans their dignities.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 10:56:00 +0000

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