Where is your sensibility about our islandness? What is your - TopicsExpress


Where is your sensibility about our islandness? What is your opinion about this wonder of the world, this minuscule nine miles of tropical highway that is costing $5 billion, which per single square foot is more expensive than any square foot of road anywhere else on the planet? We’re not building the Golden Gate Bridge or the Great Wall of China. We’re just making a little piece of highway on an island. Nor are we paving it with the gold of El Dorado. Shouldn’t the excessive cost of an ordinary highway be obsessing you more than the irritating nuisance of a man starving himself by the roadside? It’s our money that’s buying the damned thing, but do we know anything about it? At all? We are told that the highway is good for us exactly as is, and that we must be well behaved, obedient little boys and girls, because Mama Kam and Papa Ram know what’s best for us. Do they indeed? Well, I don’t think for a moment that Mama and Papa know better. I think they know what is best for themselves. It is yet another manifestation of the Governor General Syndrome, with which the three of you would be well familiar. All power at the centre. Let no damned dog bark. Ramlogan meantime is the living Mancrab. It is unbelievable. He used to be such a principled, promising, bright young lawyer. He has become a monster. The metamorphosis is total and complete. He now uses the law like a bludgeon, to bully and beat the smallest whisper of opposition or dissent into total submission. At Divali celebrations the other night he claimed that his gods have given permission and encouragement to man to exploit the environment. Oh dear. The problem is that the ancient venerated Hindu gods of India may well have advised that, but they were giving that advice in good faith to a humankind that then toiled and tooled with ploughshares, with bullocks, horses, mules and donkeys, and with elephants. Technology has changed the rules and the balance of power between man and nature forever. Man’s greed, his love for money and his lust for power, is now enabled as never before by technology. Mancrab reigns supreme. And when King Mancrab reigns he takes Queen Kam’s divisive multiculturism and turns it into apartheid, Trinidad style, pitting South against North, simply to cover his a--e and take your eye off the ball. Pure wickedness. Well, good gentlemen, or gentlemice, you’d better watch the ball more carefully, lest you get your tails cut. -Peter Minshall
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 12:49:03 +0000

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