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Where to Start?!?!?!?! israelnationalnews/News/News.aspx/182474#.U7VLF5S1aLE (i know its arutz sheva haters, but the report is from Channel 2) 1. There is an extremely strong chance that this arab kid was killed by local arabs -- the family was well know to the police, his family has complained to the police about the harrassment they get, there was another attempted kidnapping in the extended family, it goes on and on -- and by the way, the body being set on fire is an arab trademark, there is zero history of anything like that amongst Jews -- so that much is clear -- and the father says they have a picture of the people who did it and a license plate number but the police are doing NOTHING -- -that is really too much to handle sir -- anyone who has ever had ANY interaction with the Police here and know their views on settlers etc. would also know that they cant wait to hunt down some if there is the remotest possibility to do so -- but apparently they are doing nothing!!! -- just a stream of neverending lies - Now to 3 other groups of people -- A. The Foreign Heads of State etc. -- ESPECIALLY the United States -- these idiots couldnt condemn this attack fast enough -- was there any proof? of course not! do all the signs lead in the completely opposite direction? of course, but why let that get in the way? The United States of America that couldnt manage to say a word about three innocent boys so clearly kidnapped (or murdered, it doesnt make any difference), couldnt condemn this fast enough, sending their sincerest condolences not just to the family, but to the entire Palestinian People -- who exactly is that? the one that not only likely killed this kid (and possibly because he was gay), but discriminates against women, christians, and gays, and carries out honor, tribal, and barabaric killings on a completely regular basis? (want to see some pictures?!) B. The Arabs -- yes those same ones who have spent the last 3 weeks celebrating the kidnapping and murder of the boys, who decided yesterday, you know what? heres an undocumented occurrence, yay lets go nuts, riot, burn down the light rail stations (maybe they should be eliminated from the route, forget about fixing the ultra-modern stations that ferry thousands of hard-working arabs around the city to their jobs and leisure activities every day) -- you know why these rioters are going crazy? because muslim society is violent, its lives on violence, thrives on it -- and if you call saying that being a racist, then you are an idiot -- is whats going on in syria racist? egypt? iraq? libya? the slaughtering of nigerian christians left and right?...... no, only when israel (or more accurately a couple of lone jews) are suspected of something then here comes the worlds condemnation in record time. C. The hardest one by far -- our own people -- im not just talking about Barkat or Peres or Netanyahu who all have their various motives for jumping to a conclusion on this one -- im talking about the Jewish people all over facebook and the news who didnt wait five seconds to decry this incident with statements like this is not our way , the forces of jewish extremism etc. -- a few of those posters are totally innocent, it was an emotional reaction in an emotional week, i get it -- but for most, you know what it is? This past 3 weeks has been a disaster -- why? not just because they feel bad about the boys and their families (and they might very well feel bad). It has been a disaster because it is 3 weeks where we were all forced to confront the reality that the idea of all-encompassing peace and coexistence in the Middle East is an illusion. Once again the idea, that all this running and trying to pretend that its really just our fault, that if only we would submit to the world and to the negotiating table then everything would be alright, and all those neighbors who are really just waiting to hug us will finally have their chance, went out the window again. Not just because of the kidnappers (those of us who lived through the intifada saw far more and far worse), but because of the reaction of the Palestinian people -- we had to confront their three fingers, their hatred and disgust for Jewish existence, their thirst for Jewish blood, and wow is that so inconvenient!!! And then came this wonderful gift!!! An Arab boy burned in a forest -- we are back, the self-hating bandwagon is open for business, and we cant wait for the world condemnation against the thorn in our side occupationist settlers, not us peace-loving, justice-upholding Israelis (btw, why is it automatically a settler Mr. Abbas, what if it was a crazed Betar fan from Rosh Haayin -- because WAKE UP Jewish people -- we are all SETTLERS!!!) -- So now we can let go of the tragedy of the three boys, and awaken the illusion ince again for the thousandth time. If a Jew unfortunately did this, it wouldnt for a second contradict everything we have learned in the past three weeks. But guess what, not only is that likely not what happened, but its probably just another case of everyday intra-arab violence, and potentially against an innocent gay kid to boot -- ho-hum -- A hundred Jews protesting three actual killings of Jews by Arabs on Yaffo street by yelling things = a few hundred iditotic self-hating blog posts and hundreds of foaming at the mouth police on the scene -- AT THE SAME TIME violent rioting, stone throwing, burning down light-rail stations to protest a killing with zero proof it in any way involved a revenge attack-- yeah, im still waiting for the posts, and the harsh police reaction too... This has got to stop, what will it take for the wake up call to last more than ONE day -- its not the neverending cycle of violence, its the neverending ability to learn absolutely zero from every single thing that happens daily here in the Holy Land -- that is what is anti-jewish, we are THE people of Memory, that is the cycle that should be condemned so whole-heartedly. 2 last things: Calls for revenge are idiotic because they have no context, no thought behind them whatsoever, and they are way too general -- forget the words like revenge that we are enslaved to condemning - you know what positive revenge is -- all our neighbors want us out of here (youre a fool to think otherwise for a millisecond, i mean theyll be happy to tell you themselves, or at least in the arabic media when youre thought to be too busy reading haaretzs diatribes to notice) -- revenge isnt killing anyone besides the terrorists who carried this out -- and we are greatly outnumbered anyway and the value of each Jewish life is so precious -- Revenge is saying guess what? we are never leaving -- revenge is building Jewish homes everywhere (and bringing the Jews home from around the world to fill them) -- its having tons of Jewish children -- its strengthening our observance of our traditions -- its empowering our army to take every action against any person who even raises a finger against one of our people -- there should not even be a thought of violence coming our way -- and the Arabs who are willing to accept and embrace that (and many of whom we encounter in our daily lives here and who wouldnt trade their life here for any other place in the Middle East), i personally am happy to live in harmony alongside them here (just like in the bible by the way) -- unfortunately, they are prisoners just like us amongst a general populace that is insane in its lust for violence and Jewish blood. I am sorry that words like this are offensive to people who want to hear only about Jews and Arabs holding hands, only want to hear about peace, love, coexistence -- well guess what? thats all i want to hear about too!!! but not from a place of fantasy, from a real place, by fighting whats going on around us, unifying through empowering our Jewish identities, building our land, and from a place of STRENGTH finally enabling true peace and coexistence here in Israel. The good news is is that as loud and obnoxious as these voices of fantasy are, they are becoming fewer every day -- every day Jews are building this land, empowering our place here, becoming more connected to their traditions -- religious Jews are beginning slowly but surely to dominate the army -- and how high are the families of these three boys???? can anything begin to compare to their strength -- and believe me there are so many more shining lights following in their footsteps every minute -- to those who disagree, you can keep spreading the self-hatred, hating on traditional Judaism, and looking for every pretext to hate on the Jewish people -- but its getting old and you are slowly being left behind -- embrace your true self, carry on Gilad, Naftali, and Eyals light and torah and we will all be just fine thank you. Am Yisrael Chai.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 12:53:09 +0000

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