Where were you? What were you doing? Today is one of those - TopicsExpress


Where were you? What were you doing? Today is one of those days in which we wont forget. We cant. We have to remember. I lived with 3 roommates (Phil, Phil & Phil). We were all a little under the weather, but woke up to get ready for our jobs anyway. Our house had a sickness, but we also had bills to pay. As I was putting my mascara on I heard Matt and Katie (The Today Show) telling of what had just happened. A plane had hit one of the WTC towers. It was a sight that was unspeakably horrific. But at that time, we were still innocent. Until the second. Heavy hearted we all left for work. I dont remember much about the drive. I remember the weather was beautiful and instead of watching the road, my eyes scanned the sky. The radio broadcasters were frantic. No one knew what was happening only that we were under attack. At work we brought the television from the breakroom to the front counter and, like a family would, we watched. Us and the world. Im not sure if I was heart sick or if the flu had taken over at that point, but I wanted to be home. I left around ten. Upon pulling into my spot, I was met with my roommates who came home, too. The flu had all of us. We all camped out in the living room in our sleeping bags for two days. We watched our President tell us that we were going to be okay. We watched Tom Brokaw cry while delivering the news. Together we took turns getting sick, holding hands, making soup and we mourned our innocence. Im an American. I will never forget. The terror. The panic. The sadness. THE PRIDE. THE LOVE. MY FELLOW AMERICANS.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:38:27 +0000

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