Where will Biafra Stand in the Battle? Dear Good people of - TopicsExpress


Where will Biafra Stand in the Battle? Dear Good people of Christian Biafra, It is very importnat that you undertand the path you take and what is before you when you choose between Humanisim & Christianity. The Bible also tells us in Mathew 6:33: But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well Humanism vs Christianity We live in an era of humanism. Humanism is a simple enough religion. The humanist believes the following: 1. Man owns the earth. Original ownership, meaning the original title to the earth, belongs to collective mankind. It is his to use as he pleases. 2. Man the creature rules God the Creator. In fact, man is the creator, for he alone understands and controls nature through science. He runs the show. 3. Man, therefore, makes the rules, which means that an elite group of men make the rules for everyone else. Man proposes, and man disposes. He alone is to subdue the earth. 4. Man is the sovereign judge of the universe. He answers only to man, which means of course that the vast majority of men answer to a handful ofother men, the elite: scientific, political, and bureaucratic. 5. The future belongs to autonomous (self-law) man, meaning to those people who worship man as God. Autonomous man inherits the earth. The Bible presents a very different viewpoint- indeed, it presents a mirror image of the humanist worldview. 1. Original ownership belongs to God. God, not man, created, owns, and controls the earth. 2. The Creator rules the creature. God is sovereign. God has delegated subordinate ownership to mankind. God is in charge. 3. God, therefore, has made the rules (laws). Men prosper or fail in terms of their obedience or disobedience to these rules. 4. God judges man in terms of His law. Men are responsible before God to abide by His rules. Man proposes and disposes only within the decree and plan of God. 5. The future belongs to God and Gods people. Those who are meek before God will inherit the earth. Here we have it: two rival religions with rival views of God, man, law, and time. The whole earth is the historical battlefield, and it always has been. The religion of God and the religion of man are locked in deadly combat, but the humanists have had a much clearer view of the true nature of the battle. They have planned for each successive battle far longer and more effectively than the Christians have. Dear people of Christian Biafra, the Bible told us not to put our trust in man. (Psalm 118:8). We have however put trust in the tricky concept of Secularity which is a lie from Satan direct. Herein lies the future based on this man-made concept of freedom and secularity - Satanism taught to your children under the pretext of religious freedom: youtu.be/NAvs_PVrtF4 Man Marries Dog: nationalreport.net/california-allows-first-ever-state-recognized-human-animal-marriage/ ... all thanks to Humanisim & freedom - which is actually nothing more than rebellion against God. Where will Biafra stand in the Battle between Humanism & Christianity? Christian State of Biafra now! Biafrans are Christians. Christian State of Biafra is about a Biafra founded upon a Christian consensus. A Christian character is fundamental to us. Christian State of Biafra is about self-government under God. God is a God of law & order. We just need to look in the Bible to discover Gods law. Christian State of Biafra is not about Ecclesiocracy (State run by Church), no but about Biblical Theocracy, which involves civil govt following Biblical standards i.e. following Gods law. God already rules. Christ is already enthroned on high. As Christian Biafrans we declare the crown rights of King Jesus. Jesus Christ is our King. We are therefore recognizing His Lordship not just in word but also in deed. Christian State of Biafra is a nation founded upon Christian (Biblical) Principles, which shape her values, society, & her institutions. The Bible says that every area of life is to be ruled by Gods permanent principles. This is the Biblical meaning of theocracy: an earthly reflection of what the Bible says has always existed, namely, the rule of God in every area of life, not just civil government. Christian political action is submitting to the authority of God in all spheres of life through application of His Word in every institution in life. Just as the Family and Church are sacred institutions ordained by God and so also is Government. We have the God-ordained task to establish law & order (State & Government) under God, just as we have the God-ordained task to establish the rule of law & order in the Church & in the Family. This means that the founding documents (Independence Declaration & Constitution) of our nation must be based on Christian principles. As Christian Biafrans, we have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, and a holy responsibility to (re)claim our land for Jesus Christ. Christian State of Biafra doesnt mean non-believers wont dwell amongst us, no. It means they should and will understand (know) their place. Christian Biafra doesnt necessarily imply witch hunting, no, but it does mean no to (Political) Islam, no to ritual killings, no to cannibalism, no to female mutilation etc.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 07:30:31 +0000

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