Whether it was 100,000 or 130,000, for the Gardai to say it was - TopicsExpress


Whether it was 100,000 or 130,000, for the Gardai to say it was 30,000 shows two things a) they are instruments of the prevailing Government policy, even when that is obviously against the will of the people. They are willing to use unwarranted and unreasonable force to protect that policy. b) Either they cant count, or they are willing to lie to promote that policy. They have available to them the latest in crowd prediction and control technology such as eye-in-the-sky cameras which count crowds and flows, access to transport flows and capacities from CIE and the NRA, accurate road dimensions from DCC - these would give them amazingly accurate figures in minutes. I wonder if they quietly supplemented the extra 500 Gardai on duty that day when they realised the actual crowds arriving for the protest. I wonder where the Gardai will turn when Govt policy turns against them, as inevitably it will eg forced redundancies, forced pension reductions, criminal actions against corrupt Gardai. They will look to the people for support, but they have burnt that bridge. Their behaviour in Rossport supporting Shell, their behaviour against the peaceful crowds during the Reclaim the Streets March in Dublin a few years back, and their ongoing appaling behaviour during this campaign, not to mention the various corruption, intimidation and abuse of power scandals have shown them to have a weak leadership, and numerous misguided members, who have betrayed the power given to them by the people. The single most effective weapon in a fight against crime is support of the people. Without that weapon, every other weapon is only marginally effective, and requires more Gardai to achieve less.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 03:16:22 +0000

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