Whether its the way the planets are aligned, the solar flares, the - TopicsExpress


Whether its the way the planets are aligned, the solar flares, the moon cycle or just GENERAL EVERY FREAKING DAY STRESS, the shit sure seems to be hitting the fan lately. Sorry for the vulgarity, there really is just no other way to sum it up. Im going from varying degrees of, YES! Relief, I am getting through this, to What the hell did I sign up for? Guess what? I know Im not the only one experiencing this. I talk to friends, peers and clients all over the world and theres a huge SHIFT in vibration going on right now. Its like the cosmic door to the boogie man has been opened and all the fears weve pushed aside or thought we had healed have come to the surface to do one last dance to try to knock us off our feet. Dont let lower vibrations and FEAR push you down. EXPRESS, REACH OUT, LET GO, ASK FOR HELP....do whatever you have to do to release this vibe. By working through it and not stewing in it you not only lift your own vibration but also the energy of everyone around you. Heres a prayer to help: Mother/Father God, I SURRENDER to your guidance and understanding. I RELEASE that which does not serve me. I CLAIM my higher self and all of its wisdom and knowledge. I CALL this energy into my physical being so that I may know TRUTH and see past ILLUSION. Take from me that which clouds my mind, my heart and my life and lowers my ability to see light. Fill this void with unconditional love so that I may know my true worth and see the world through new eyes. I give grateful, loving thank for this healing and release. And so it is ~
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 14:29:36 +0000

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