Whether its your mother, father, other family members, best - TopicsExpress


Whether its your mother, father, other family members, best friend, mentor or anyone you know. If they arent happy themselves their advice can remind you to be happy but it cant help you make healthy choices. People influence us by who they are not what they say. If they are not or never been in a happy relationship they will influence you the same way. Some are in unhappy relationships not because the chemistry isnt there but because they are or their partner is listening to and making decisions based on the counsel of someone who cant help them. Couples fail to notice how their relationships start to look like the relationships of those they are listening to. Listen to what they say but dont download their counsel. Find healthy couples to mingle with and learn from them not your loved ones or people who cant teach you what they dont know
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 05:30:22 +0000

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