Whether out for a run, grilling your favorite meats on a hot - TopicsExpress


Whether out for a run, grilling your favorite meats on a hot summer day, or spring cleaning the house, our bodies are exposed to millions of chemicals considered “toxins”. These toxins in our environment (exotoxins) and that our bodies produce (endotoxins) have the ability to disrupt the essential biological structures needed for the body to function such as DNA, cellular membranes, and protein. Repeated exposure to various toxins can contribute to adverse health effects in the short-term such as headaches, nausea, and fatigue; and in the long-term can contribute to weight gain and chronic health outcomes. Detoxification is essential for ridding the body of toxins and preventing their “health robbing” effects. Although all cells have the ability to detoxify toxins, the most important organ for detoxification is the liver–known as the body’s filter and purification system. Toxins enter the liver as either water- or fat-soluble molecules. Water-soluble toxins are rather easily metabolized and excreted into the urine. In contrast, fat-soluble toxins can be stored in fat cells where they are protected from the body’s detoxification systems. Excess fat stores, especially organ-bathing visceral fat, are linked to several diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic dysfunction. The addition of toxin exposure to an overweight or obese individual may only serve to increase these risks. Through Nutritional Cleansing you can mitigate these risks and replenish the minerals and vitamins in your system to build immunity. Health & Wellness by Jessica
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 00:00:01 +0000

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