Whether this is premature or not I am sitting here having been up - TopicsExpress


Whether this is premature or not I am sitting here having been up since 4am this morning making sure that all the work that a team of people have put in will work well. Over the years that I have been involved with speedway it amazes how much recognition the sport doesnt get. Audio streaming was a good start, but still we needed more. I take my hat off to Steve TheMaori Daniel for what it is he is doing for the sport, but he is only one man. A few months ago we had an opportunity to buy a OB Van that was in need of a little repair on the outside, but according to my very reliable sources at the time, the heart was very good and strong. I cannot stress enough the help that has come forward to make this happen and i really wanted to acknowledge these people that have done some amazing things to get us ready for this very day. I COULD NOT of done this without the help of Campbell McManaway. Campbell also has this massive desire to help our sport and he was quick to put his hand up and massively contribute in getting us up and going. Campbell .... Thank you very much..... And also a huge thanks to Maxine Wills as well she is Campbells right hand woman. She keeps us on the straight and narrow. For the van there was a number of guys that put there hand up: Daryl Crack was the man that straightened her out. It certainly isnt perfect, but its a start. Daryl has already picked out our custom paint job for the massive off season rebuild on the Van. We asked him to get it ready in 3 days and this man worked until it was done. Thanks also to Reuben Garthwaite for his big efforts as well. Winton Flooring XTRA and Invercargill Flooring Xtra: Rebecca and Chris have always been huge supporters and they went out of their way to make sure we had some nice shiny carpet and that the roof lining that was hanging down was all sorted. Ron Goddard from Southland Tyre Centre The rubber is slick. Kemps Chassis and Panel Repairs. When we drove the van in there it was a pig to drive. Those guys done some amazing magic and it became a whole different vehicle to drive. Nigel Molloy from Nigel Molloy Joinery in Winton. Yet another fantastic supporter of everything that I have done. Nigel was one of the original advertisers through The Pits Radio. He is one hell of a good buggar. Phillips Lloyd and Southern Mechanical including James Stronach - Finding rocking horse shit is a bloody rare thing. But you found us a Iveco fancy ass bench seat and even got the lads to put it in. Was wondering how i was going to tell my crew they would have to sit on the floor. Lloyd, you are truly a Top Gun! To Hasler Jason I could not of done this without his support. Thanks Noel Leeming. Please folks, if you see a businesss name there and you can use them. DO IT!!! These guys have made everything possible. To my understanding girlfriend Stephanie Garthwaite who has had very little time spent with her over the last 4 months and not once moaned (should i be concerned). To the new crew for the OB Van: Kerry Ladbrook - Graphics and replay Tangee Reid - Sound Stife Gutteridge - Announcing and some camera work Luke Fallow - Camera 1 Taegan Gutteridge - Camera 2 Ruby Garthwaite - Camera 3 Nic Gibbs - Christchurch Director Cam Gallie - Christchurch Camera man 1 Mike Dixon - Christchurch Camera 2 And finally .. To EVERY track in the South Island for taking a punt with us. Yes EVERY track in the South Island will have the OB Van this year. For those that have asked, Yes, we have EVERY major event in the South Island. At the end of this month we will be releasing where we are filming and when it will go to TV. We cannot release these details just yet but have them all set out. Here are the first couple though: 8th Novemeber - Riverside Speedway 21st November - Elf Cup Dunedin 22nd November - Elf Cup Invercargill 29th November - Burt Munro Oreti Park then the DHL Sorry for the long winded post, but it had to be said ... My apologise if I missed anyone, but Im sure you understand lol
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 20:56:03 +0000

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