Whether universally held belief or not the :cause of all the - TopicsExpress


Whether universally held belief or not the :cause of all the fighting that goes on in the world is the inherent corruption of the human heart that rejects the concept of any law above the ability or calling of man that calls for a sense of morality based on the intrinsic (built in) value of human life. Whenever man decides they should be the ones who choose who or what is to be valued or classified as not worthy, the results are easy to forecast and repetitive throughout history. The inability of man to look back over recorded history and determine not to repeat it is not only a sign of the brokenness and very limited capacity of humanity to exercise free will without God, but also a proof that the Bible is true and accurate in its proofs and predictions concerning the condition of the human heart and the inability of mankind to successfully govern himself by the power or source of free will alone. It is the effect of free will that determines the condition of an individual, city, country and eventually the world. Free will exercised under the belief that man is the ultimate authority and source of knowledge and power will always (as history shows) end in violence and chaos. When free will is exercised outside of Gods will, it most often takes away from the ability of others to exercise their free will (choice). The most successful and peaceful governments have historically been those that attribute ultimate authority and power and knowledge and wisdom to the God of the Bible and practice the doctrines that all human life has value and worth in the site of God and therefore should be treated as valuable. Of course success attracts elements and agents of corruption and so a successful government is ultimately the target of greed and those longing for power thus repeating the cycle. Human greed and selfishness are elements of corruption and are promoted, by the world, in human nature by survival of the fittest ideologies and theorys and unfounded but wishful ideas that human nature will naturally follow the best course by blind chance and common sense. lol. If history has proved nothing else, it has proved that common sense really isn`t all that common. The take what is mine because I deserve it mentality and the look out for # 1 promotion is what fuels the majority of humanity and is in direct opposition to the way of give and serve as outlined by the teachings of Yahshua(Jesus). Greed and selfishness are simply the natural effects resulting from continual disobedience(rebellion) to or rejection of the God of the Bible and His laws governing and outlining the optimum model for successful living His way, not success according to what most of world considers success. Yahshua is going to come and show us how lasting success is achieved. (Hint) It has something to do with obeying the Father. lol. Find out what God wants because wanting or wishing the God of Israel to not exist will not make Him go away.. Praise Yawheh in the name of His Christ Yahshua.Shalom. https://facebook/groups/7spirits/
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 20:38:24 +0000

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