Whether you belief in independence or not the referendum has been - TopicsExpress


Whether you belief in independence or not the referendum has been a great opportunity to generate debate and hopefully some change. As your typical academic type I have watched the debates and read articles on the referendum from the safety of the hypothetical fence. However lately I feel like I have fallen off the fence onto the potentially un-cool YES to UK (NO) side... Here are some thoughts/personal conclusions/observations -The romance of rhetoric- of course it sounds more fun and positive to ‘yes’ but don’t get lost in the power of words. Think about why you are yes. -Bare chested brave-hearts! One can still be patriotic and loyal to Scotland but still also want to be part of the UK- for example you can be a rocking great feminist and still enjoy wearing red lipstick! -Listening to the other side whether that is ‘yes’ or ‘no’ is valuable- it is a complicated issue do not get shut off and trapped in one monotone drone. We should be grateful that we live in a country where we can safely have this debate. Enrich your education and listen to both sides then make your argument. Dont only read stuff that you just like the sound of! -Independence is for life not just for Christmas- Cameron on the other hand is not! Just because you dont want independence doesnt mean you support Cameron! -Think of all the other fellow socialists friends in England who also want change, where is the solidarity- we need revolution United as the UNITED Kingdom, so how about revolution in the form of a little bit more devolution instead of floating off into the chilly unknown Atlantic -Green contradictions- so we are going to be a greener country with an economy based on oil? -Nice Mr salmond has promised us lots of nice presents wrapped in a lovely big white box if we fulfil his ego and vote yes but dont be disappointed if you open it and its just a tin of spam and a can of irn bru! Whos with me?
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 10:08:34 +0000

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