Whether you pray or not, you all know that I do. So I would first - TopicsExpress


Whether you pray or not, you all know that I do. So I would first like to thank you all for respecting that. So far Ive not had to go into a debate about dogma. And Ive been called to be more specific in prayer this last year. I feel this NEED to put this prayer out to my team lately, and havent found the right time, if there is such a thing... so Ill just share it now. King Jesus, we thank you for the opportunity to meet one another, whether by phone, Facebook, Skype, face to face, etc. to fellowship and ultimately celebrate You, and celebrate something much bigger than the sum of us all. Jesus, I pray you be a hedge of protection, bless us with traveling mercies during our travels to meetings, trainings, wrap parties, OTOMs... and we pray for those currently on the road. Thank You Lord for gifting us with this opportunity, and showing us part of your bigger vision and plan for us. I pray over our businesses and families. Lord, bless our minds, and give us knowledge and an open mind to things beyond understanding. Help us make the right decisions that will make you proud. Bless our hearts so that we understand the balance of passion and logic and that we find the right reason to share what we share. Bless our hands, Jesus, that we use them to work for You and we can use them to wrap more people. Bless our shoulders, Father, for as mothers and women and wives, fathers, and young men, and husbands... we carry much. Bless our backs with strength, so that we can hold our brothers and sisters along rough journeys. Bless our bellies and fill them with fire and passion. Bless our feet, so we can walk by faith and not by sight. The devil will show us things to fear, and will sow doubt. No weapon forged against us shall prosper!! So strengthen these feet, my Savior, so we take solid steps in Your glory! God bless Mark and Cindy as they pray over every one of us and our eminent successes. Bless this company as you have, and keep it Christ-centered. Bless our haters, Lord, because they need it... and bless our tongues that it starts with prayer, and so that we do not stoop down to their levels, and only take the high road and know the right things to say to them. Finally, Lord, bless our legs, because if we walked by faith in 2013 with our businesses, if You tarry, we will use them to RUN in faith for the remainder of 2014! In your precious holy Name, we pray... AMEN! I love you all! Lets breathe LIFE into your businesses!
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 18:16:39 +0000

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